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"How am I to function with this thing in my b--"

Garrett's eyes narrowed.

"--ass," I corrected, remembering the consequence. "Also with my breasts...out?"

"You will adjust. That is why we call it training," Tagg stated plainly.

"Are there any other items you wish to train me upon at this moment?"

Tagg and Garrett glanced at each other.

"Your tone is filled with sass. You are warned that we will not stand for it."

With both men practically glaring at me, I swallowed and gave a small nod. "Then may I please have my drawers before I brush my hair?"

"Your hairbrush is in the washroom, but no drawers," Tagg said.

"We will lift your skirt anytime, anywhere and want access to that gorgeous pussy," Garrett added.

These men were insane! "No proper blouse, no drawers, a plug in my ass. Anything else?"

Garrett shook his head. "That is all. For now."

I huffed, spun on my heel and went to get my hairbrush and do something I could control.



"From her contrary tone, it seems the pill has yet to work. I expected her to be into her heat by now," I said to Tagg as we stood out on the front porch. Several horses were in the near paddock, another off in the distance, heads down eating grass. The sun was high, but this side of the house was shaded at this time of day.

Tagg fiddled with his hat in his hand. "She's a stubborn one, all right. Did you see her when she came the last time?"

It was a sight I would never forget. "Much better than you since you had your face buried in her pussy."

"You're just jealous," Tagg said with a grin.

"Damn right I'm jealous. I haven't tasted her yet," I grumbled.

"Sweet, like strawberries."

I couldn't help but groan and adjust my hard cock in my pants.

Sarah came to the screen door, yet stopped prior to opening it, one arm folded to cover her breasts. The look in her eye was wary, even though she'd been out in just her shift the day before. I went and opened the door for her, offering her no chance to remain inside.

"Don't hide from us, Sarah," Tagg said. "Show us how pretty you are."

Swallowing visibly, she took a fortifying breath then dropped her arm. She looked so pretty in her navy skirt and white blouse. All of her red hair had been tamed into a neat bun at her nape with only a few curls framing her face. It was the first time we'd seen her with her hair up. Her small breasts were plump and lifted to perfect mounds, her nipples a striking pink in contrast to her creamy skin. They were erect and p

ointed directly at me. Just knowing she had the plug in her ass had me wanting to bend her over the porch rail and fuck her. Hard.

I stepped closer, but stopped before she felt crowded by my large size. I reached a hand out and gently grazed her nipple, then stepped back. It furled into a tight bud before our eyes and she gasped. "See, if you were covered I wouldn't be able to do that."

She cleared her throat. "If it's all right, I'd like to fix myself something to eat," she murmured, ignoring the effects of my touch. She must surely be sore from three fuckings so soon after losing her maidenhead.

"Of course. This is your home now. There is a plate on the stove keeping warm for you."

She gave a tight smile. "Thank you." Carefully, gingerly even, she walked back inside. I watched her go, one hand holding the screen door open as she walked with a very erect posture and a defined swing to her hips.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic