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"No, I don't! I don't like it!" I repeated.

Tagg's fingers strummed over my clit faster and there was nothing I could do to prevent the pleasure from overwhelming me. I came on a scream, my entire body tensing, clenching down on the fingers in both my holes.

Both men crooned to me, telling me how pleased they were with me, how beautiful I looked when I came, how I dripped all over Garrett's fingers, how they couldn't wait to fuck my ass.

I couldn't control the pleasure. I couldn't control what they were doing. I couldn't control anything. I was at their mercy and I started to cry, even as the last bit of heat waned. The pleasure was so intense my emotions were raw.

Garrett stopped fucking my ass with the plug, but kept it within. My muscles tightened around the narrow section so I wasn't stretched wide any longer, but the end of it pressed against my bottom. But I was filled. Oh, filled so deeply. Tagg pulled me onto my side so my back was to his front, his arm over my waist so that we were fashioned like two spoons in a drawer.

Garrett sat down on the bed and faced me, so large and strong, as both men just let me cry. When the tears finally subsided, he said, "Was that so terrible to warrant all these tears?"

"Yes!" I pouted.

He frowned. "Does the plug hurt?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

I shifted my hips, trying to adjust to the hard object lodged in my bottom.

I shook my head.

Tagg's hand, which had rested on my bare belly, moved up and cupped my breast. It was most distracting.

"Didn't we make you feel good?" he murmured in my ear.

I closed my eyes to avoid looking at them and hoped the question would go away.

"You can't hide from us, Sarah. Answer Tagg's question."

Even with my eyes closed, I blurted, "Yes."

"Then why are you so upset?" Garrett asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. His icy blue stare was questioning. Patient.

"This isn't something I'm supposed to enjoy. It''s indecent."

"Soon enough you'll understand, but for now, just remember, this is our command, not your choice. All you have to do is be a good girl and do as we tell you. You don't have to want it. You don't have to like it. But we will do as we think is best and we will pleasure you."

"It's not supposed to be pleasurable," I countered.

"It most assuredly is and we'll prove it," Tagg replied as his fingers began to pluck my nipple. His lips lowered to my nape and began nibbling and licking his way up to my ear.

Garrett reached down and slipped his hand between my thighs and easily worked his fingers up and into my pussy once again. With the two of them touching me, my defenses were nonexistent and my pleasure washed over me within seconds. I arched into Tagg's hand and squeezed my thighs together, holding Garrett's fingers deep within me.

Their domination over my body was blatant. Although I fought everything they said, everything they did, my body had no such issues. What was I going to do?



"My cock's hard again," I told Garrett as I shaved at the mirror. Even though we had a washroom, I was accustomed to the kitchen for this task.

He was making breakfast. The scent of eggs, bacon and biscuits filled the air and made my stomach growl. I'd most certainly worked up an appetite. Sarah had fallen back asleep in my arms so we tucked her beneath the covers and let her rest some more. There was no question we were pushing her, emotionally and physically, and it was tiring for her.

Garrett placed the coffee pot on top of the hot stove. "I don't think we'll ever get enough of her."

If his cock was as hard as mine, the poor woman needed ample sleep to even attempt to sate our lusty appetites.

"She's so small, I was afraid I was going to break her last night." I turned my head to the side to run the blade down my jaw, the whiskers rasping.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic