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He turned, looked at me in the mirror. "It doesn't seen to be a concern. She is aroused by what we do to her."

"She was dripping wet, without a pill or the ointment. It's her thoughts that are a concern. She just has to accept what she considers unacceptable, otherwise she'll fight us."

"You're in agreement that we'll give her a pill while we train her ass?" he asked, grabbing mugs to fill.

"Other women only have to tolerate the shift to being a wife to one man. Sarah has to adjust to two. As you said, we'll never get enough of her. She's going to need a little help in the transition. Mind and body." I wiped my face on a clean cloth, removing all traces of soap.

The pill contained not only an ample amount of ointment to make her slick, but a ground up plant that increased a woman's arousal. A hard beeswax coating made it easy to insert into her ass, yet softened to keep a woman at the achieved level of need her husband desired. The ointment itself was mildly laced with the ground plant, offering a hint of arousal while performing a very important function. Doc provided the ointment and pills to all married men and Garrett had brought back jars of both along with new clothes when he went to town to retrieve Ian.

"Let's not forget we haven't told her she'll wear a plug all the time."

"She'll learn that soon enough." Garrett poured the coffee as I brought full plates to the table.


Neither of us wished to leave Sarah alone in the house, even while she slept. We'd taken her hard and she had a plug in her ass. She also had no clothing, and we’d taken her sole dress away as she slept. A quilt had been her wedding dress. She was confused and upset about being fucked, and we needed to ensure we were there for her, for whatever the reason. It was important she knew to come to us with even the smallest of concerns, and that we weren't leaving her alone in this new life. And that was why we alternated dealing with the horses and other ranch chores.

It was by luck that we were both inside when she stirred. Before she could begin to worry about what we'd done with her or anything else, we’d climbed the stairs and entered my bedroom. Sarah laid on her side, the quilt wrapped around her small frame. Her green eyes widened in surprise when we entered the room.

"Are you well?" I asked, looking her over.

A flush starting at her cheeks crept down her neck and beneath her covering. "I can't sit up," she whispered.

Alarmed, I stepped into the room to see what ailed her, only to pause.

"You're referring to the plug in your ass?" Garrett asked, putting my thought into words.

She nodded shamefully.

I held out a hand. "Let me help you up, baby."

"I...I don't have any clothes."

"Garrett bought you new things yesterday. Come."

She glanced to Garrett and in my periphery I could see him nod. She slipped her tiny hand in mine and I helped her from the bed to stand in front of us. She was so small, only coming to my shoulders. Her red hair was a riotous tangle, her breasts were partially hidden by her hair, but her nipples tightened into pretty pink peaks before our eyes. Her belly was flat and her navel just a slight indent. Her curls that covered her pussy were a flame of color and I could see dried seed coating her inner thighs. She couldn't have looked lovelier, except for the pinched expression on her face and the way she shifted from foot to foot.

"Tilt your hips back. Standing and walking will be more comfortable then," Garrett told her.

She did as told, the arch of her back curving, her ass tilting outward which by nature thrust her breasts forward. "This is not in the least appropriate," she countered, her lips pursed.

"Possibly true, but is it a more accommodating stance?" Garrett asked.

She nodded.

"First, we will clean you. I can see our dried seed on you from here," I told her.

Sarah's head dropped to look between her legs and she gasped. No doubt she could feel it upon her skin.

"Don't fret, baby. I love to see our cum on you."

Her head came up in surprise at my words. I couldn't help but grin at the look of shock - whether from my crude words or in disbelief that it was there - on her sleepy face. Cupping her head in my large hands, I kissed her. Her scent, floral and bright, mixed with the tang of sex, and filled my senses. That, combined with the sweet taste of her mouth hardened my cock.

Garrett left the room as I continued to l

ick into her mouth to soften her up for what was to come. I could hear his footfall into the washroom before returning.

Lifting my head, I murmured, "Back on the bed, baby. Let's get you ready for the day."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic