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"No. No, don't. I don't like this!" My eyes filled with tears as he started to work a second slicked finger into me.

Tagg moved so he could tilt my chin up. "You don't have a choice, Sarah. This is what you will take from us. We give you permission to like it." He wiped a tear that slipped down my cheek.

Garrett pulled his fingers free and I felt...empty. "We're not done. In fact, baby, we're only getting started."

I slumped down into the soft covers, realizing I'd tensed every muscle in my body. Took a deep breath and the smell of Tagg - like leather and fresh air - surrounded me. Although the men were brothers, there were very distinct differences between them, including their own personal scent.

"Spread her ass for me," Garrett told his brother. I felt broad hands separating my bottom and I could only imagine what they were seeing. No one ever, ever, had seen me thusly. I tried to squirm away, but to no avail. "This is ointment that you feel. It's nice and slick and will help your plug go in."

His fingers had returned and I felt the ointment of which he spoke. He was very generous in the application, even as he worked it into me with one finger. I had to pant through it; the stretching uncomfortable, but there was no stopping it. Time seemed interminable as he continued, again and again, to have his finger on, in and circling around my back passage. And as time went by, the discomfort passed and it began to feel...pleasant. Somehow his finger bumped and nudged against something - what could it be that was back there? - that sent flames licking along my spine, making my inner muscles clench and grip his finger within.

"That's it, baby. This is something you enjoy."

What? Enjoy? Absolutely not. Even while my body heated, my skin became damp with a sheen of perspiration, I fought it. This was not something I should enjoy. Tolerate, undoubtedly, since it was my husbands' bidding. But enjoy? Never!

Tagg let go of my bottom and rested back on one elbow, his head now close to mine. He held up a child's top in his hand. "This is a plug. It's the smallest one, much smaller than our cocks. Part of your ass training is to be filled at all times. It is for you to grow accustomed to having a cock there."

It most definitely was not a child's toy. It certainly looked like one, with a narrow tip that flared to a broader middle that tapered in, yet widened again into a small handle.

"See, it's only as big as my thumb." Neither man had small hands so this was not in the least bit tiny. But Garrett's finger was filling me now, so perhaps it would not be such a difficult task.

Tagg handed the implement to his brother and exchanged for something else. It was a small white ball, similar in size to a peppermint candy, although I had serious doubts he was offering me one. "This is a little pill of ointment. It's hard now because it's got a coating of beeswax. Garrett's going to put this in your ass and soon it will soften and keep you nice and slick deep inside."

No, it was not a hard candy.

He handed it to Garrett and Garrett pulled his finger completely out. I clenched down, but only for a moment as his fingers were back.

"Relax, baby. Let's get this pill in you."

I groaned as he worked it in. It was bigger than his finger, stretching me wider than he had before. Gripping the quilt, I tried to relax, but it was impossible.

"Soon this will be easy," Tagg murmured, his hand gently soothing me as it slid along my back.

I doubted his words, but contradicting would be wasted breath. "It's too much! Garrett, please," I cried.

It slipped past the tight ring of muscle and I felt the round ball sitting just inside. Garret

t's finger pushed it in, deeper and deeper, a little at a time, until he couldn't nudge it any further. His finger slid free and I moaned.

"There. How does that feel?" Garrett asked.

The pill was deep inside me and I could feel it there. It didn't hurt. It wasn't uncomfortable. It just felt foreign. "I don't want something up there."

"No, I don't suppose you do." I couldn't see Garrett, but his voice was clear. "But your ass will be taken and we don't want to hurt you. You need to be slick. You need to be stretched. It's our job to make you ready." He didn't give me time to respond as I felt something hard at my entrance again. "Next is the plug."

It was broad, stretching me open right away, but Garrett had been generous with the ointment and once my body stopped its resistance, it slid in easily. It was wider than Garrett's finger and it went in, and in, and in until I felt it bump the pill and push it even deeper.

He began to work the plug in and out, mimicking the motions of a cock in my pussy. He was fucking me with the plug.

"You've been such a good girl," Tagg murmured. I opened my eyes at his voice, not realizing I'd even shut them. He was smiling at me, clearly pleased. I felt fingers on my pussy, on that spot that gave me so much pleasure.

"Your clit's so hard. Do you like having your ass fucked?" He dropped his voice to a whisper, almost soothing me with his carnal words. His finger moved in a knowing circle, as if he'd learned how my body responded best.

I shook my head vehemently. "No! I don't like it," I panted.

His smile switched to a grin. "Your body is telling me otherwise, baby. Is she wet, brother?"

I felt a finger slip into my pussy. I moaned, I couldn't hold it in. "Sopping wet. She likes to have her ass played with."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic