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I didn't have a moment to think. He spanked me in rapid succession, but his palm made contact with a different spot on my bottom each time, lighting up my entire backside with the burning slaps. I cried out, then began to sob as his palm hit harder on the last two. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath once finished, then glanced over my shoulder. He undid his pants, his cock springing free. Oh yes, that's what I needed. Even with a fiery backside, I wanted his cock.

Grabbing my hips in a tight grasp, he pulled me back a little, lined himself up and thrust deep. With my leg up, I was spread open for him and his penetration was swift. The material of his pants felt rough against my tender skin, but instead of hurting, it only heightened the pleasurable sensations I was feeling.

I sobbed as the pleasure of being filled mingled with the burning of my spanked flesh. It was as if I needed his cock, and just his cock because I came immediately, crying out with a pleasure so intense I slumped against the rail. It was as if that was the sole thing I'd been missing. How thick he was, how long he was, how he could move his hips to work me just the way I needed. He controlled my orgasms. I had no doubt in my mind now that they belonged to him.


Once I finished fucking Devney, I opened a clean horse blanket and let her rest upon it. I then went back to tend to the injured horse with Cole and Grant. My wife fell asleep wearing only her blouse and corset, practically naked. She was swollen, her lips spread wide to reveal a well used pussy with my seed and her juices seeping out. The large brown end of the plug was easily visible between her very red ass cheeks. And her nipples - I was hard again just thinking about seeing them taut and entrapped in the trainers. I'd have to take them off soon, as she would be quite sore. She'd hesitate at having them put on again, but in the interim, I'd let her rub ointment into them. It would create a very mild cycle of arousal where she would want to play with them, then put them back in the trainers as she'd begin to crave the stretch. I didn't want her desire to be created from the pill or ointment. I just wanted to give it a little boost, or otherwise she'd fight me and the trainers. Ultimately, her nipples would elongate quite nicely. It would take a long, long time, but I was patient and I had no doubt we'd both enjoy the transformation.

"She's incredible, Sam." Grant slapped me on the back and went over to hold the horse's bridle. Cole was crouched down by the animal's back leg and I joined him, checking on a healing gash.

"That she is."

"I thought you were a confirmed bachelor," Cole added, giving him a big grin.

"I thought so too, but when I saw her the first time, holding a loaded rifle on her front porch, I knew she was mine." I couldn't help but grin at the image. "Where's your contented wife?" I asked.

"With Maura. Tessa sucks my cock before every meal, so since I missed the one at midday, she came to the stable to tend to me beforehand."

"She's clearly in heat," Grant replied, keeping his voice low as not to wake her. "Both your wives, but I was referring to Devney."

"Yes, and she's responding quite well with only one pill a day. She can come without touching her clit. She could right from the start. And I'm going to keep it that way."

"Your method of correction was quite inventive," Cole replied.

"I assume you're referring to the string and not the spanking."

The man shook his head and chuckled.


"It was, wasn't it?" I ran my hand down the horse's flank. "She's submitting well. I'm surprised at how fast I've been able to dominate her."

Satisfied the horse was healing well, we left the stall and I shut the half door behind us. "I've been married for over a decade and you'll always be working on her submission,” Grant said. “It changes, but doesn't stop."

"That's the enjoyment of it," Cole said, clearly satisfied with Tessa. "For both of us."

I thought for a moment. One joy of being married was having an obedient wife, but Devney often questioned my decisions. She was clearly an exhibitionist, not bothered by being seen being exposed or fucked, but she fought against it's appropriateness. Her mind and body were in a battle, and ultimately, her body would win. I just had to show her that her desires were not wrong, and that she should be proud of her body and the reaction she had to me and what I did to her. I'd push her continuously to discover this.

"What's ironic is that even though she's the one doing the submitting, she has all the power."

My time was now focused on her - her needs, her desires, her submission. How she reacted in the near term dictated how I would work with her in the future. It was all about Devney. I realized I was just as crazy as my brothers.

Grant chuckled and gave me a good whack on the back. "Welcome to marriage, cousin."

Cole grinned. "Tessa's the one on her knees, but I'm the one who's tied in knots."

I glanced down the long central corridor to where Devney lay asleep. Her pale skin glowed from the light coming through a nearby window. I wanted to go track down her father and string him up by his balls for hurting her as he had. If Jenkins wasn't dead, I'd kill him all over again for neglecting her. I just wanted to protect her, cherish her, let her see how passionate she could be, let her see how perfect she was.

Shaking my head at the sappy direction of my thoughts, I turned to the men and grinned. "Go home and fuck your wives."


The next two days fell into a routine of sorts. Devny’s arousal would wake her in the middle of the night, then again at first light, which I happily slaked in bed. After bathing, she'd get her pill and a smaller plug; I wanted her to solely focus on her pussy being fucked, not her ass. I'd even placed a dildo on the wall in the dining room just like in the stable, although the size was closer to my cock and she didn't become quite so frustrated with it. She'd ride the dildo, either in the house or stable, for long stretches of time before I’d pull her off, spread her wide and fuck her. Only when I was cramming her full would she come.

I put the trainers on her for short durations and let her rub the ointment into her tender nipples when they were bare. There was negligible change in their length; it would take months for them to begin lengthening, and perhaps only then after the use of more rigorous means such as dangling weights, and that was something I was uncertain about implementing. The rope I left affixed to her wrists just wrapped the slack around each until the trainer dangled like a charm on a bracelet. It seemed to be an excellent deterrent for touching herself; in fact, she hadn't touched her clit in days.

The biggest perk behind full heat was that she was extremely compliant. She was not disobedient or the least bit contrary, which meant no more spankings. Her mind was too focused on coming to think otherwise, and I was able to make great strides in her training. She reveled in being seen fucking the wall dildo in the stable; I ensured the men came in and out and commented on her greedy pussy, although no one touched her, let alone got anywhere near her. When she was finally ready to come, close to the brink, yet unable to achieve orgasm alone, I leaned her over any free surface in and around the stable and fucked her, hard and long. And she loved it as much as I.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic