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"Come, of course."

"'s so--"


She understood! "What kind of woman falls asleep with her fing

ers...there?" I glanced down at my hands, remembering where I'd had them. "I mean, it's constant. Right now, if you weren't here, I'd lay down on the bed and make myself come or I'd go downstairs and I'd want Cole to...."

I let the remainder of the sentence ebb. From the look on Catherine's face, she knew what I was talking about.

"It's all right if you do. I admit, I'd like to as well. Jake fucked me in the ass before we came--that's why I have this extra big cork in me, he wants to see how much seed I can collect in my ass today. That means he's going to fuck me there again and again all day long." She looked all dreamy for a moment, her lids lowering part way. "My pussy just got wetter at the thought."

"You enjoy what Jake does to you?" I asked hesitantly.

"To me? Yes. And also with me. I know how much he loves to play with my ass, and so I love it too."

"The cock sucking, it's really hard," I admitted.

She patted me on the shoulder. "Give it time. Really. I was the most modest woman when I arrived in Liberty and now I do all kinds of carnal things. Do you want to know what I do when Jake's not near?"

I nodded.

"I straddle the arm of Jake's favorite chair and rub my pussy against it. I can hit my clit just right and come so hard. Maura said she rubs against her bed post."

"So you're in heat, too?"

Catherine smiled and blushed. "Oh yes. Do you think before I married that I would crave Jake's cock in my ass? Anything in my ass?" She looked at me questioningly. "And you think there's something wrong with you?"

She did offer a valid question. Was there something wrong with Catherine? There didn't seem to be and I never would have thought it, so maybe I wasn't crazy after all.

"But my mother. She thinks I'm, well, wanton."

Catherine grinned. "You are."

I looked down, disappointed.

"Does Cole like you this way? Does he say he's happy with you?"

I glanced up. "Yes, he says he does. All the time. He says I please him."

Catherine shrugged her shoulders. "There was a man I was engaged to, back in St. Louis, who thought I was a harlot for undoing the top button of my blouse." She glanced down at her exposed breasts and we both laughed at the irony. "The only person you have to please is Cole and I have a strong suspicion he's more than happy with you."

Perhaps Catherine was correct. She knew more about this than me, and her words seemed valid. She started to braid my hair. "Tell me about this mouth training."

Perhaps Catherine was as curious as I was and with Maura the only other woman on the ranch, she craved answers as much as me. Obviously Jake didn't insist upon mouth training; he seemed most interested in her ass, which appealed to Catherine. "It looks...difficult."

I grabbed some hairpins from a dish and held them up for her. "It's not easy." I sighed, looking down at the dried seed on my breasts that Cole hadn't let me wash off. "But every time I do it, he makes me come. That makes it--"

"--easier." Catherine finished for me. "I understand. Really, I do."

"What about you? Do you have to do it, too?"

She twisted the braid into a bun and started pinning it in place. "No. I've done it once, but Jake wouldn't let me finish. I heard his seed goes in your mouth but he didn't want that. He wanted to be in my ass when he came instead." Catherine paused and I turned around to face her. She blushed. "Jake likes to fuck my ass."

"Yes, I figured as much." Still, I was astonished. "Cole mentioned he wanted to do that to me, but I was always so distracted by him putting it...his cock, somewhere else. You said you crave it. It's that good?"

Catherine's face changed to look as if she were given the best berry pie, like she was in heaven. "Actually," she said, then paused, glanced around, then leaned in. "I love it."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic