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He leaned in, whispered in my ear as he took my clothes from me. "Let's show them how good a cock sucker you are."

My mouth fell open in stunned surprise, but Cole imagined it differently. "Yes, open wide just like that. That's my girl." He gave me a little pat on the bottom as he placed my things on the table.

I held onto the bar and bent at the waist.

"Go on, Tessa."

I stared at the large dildo only inches from my mouth, then at the bell that was so far from my nose. I'd done it before, I could do it again. As Cole worked the ointment into my ass, I took the dildo into my mouth and tried right away to touch my nose to the bell. It wasn't like Cole's cock where I had to suck and work the cum from it. If I rang the bell, I'd get my reward that much sooner.

But it was so hard to do, especially being distracted by Cole working the plug in. That wasn't overly comfortable to take as he moved it in and out, almost fucking me there with it, which was definitely a distraction. I tried and tried, sputtering as my eyes watered. The dildo went in almost all the way. When Cole's fingers started to work my clit, I knew I really would get pleasure if I made the bell ring. I needed to make that bell ring!

"What's she doing?" I heard Catherine whisper.

"Mouth training," Jake replied.

"Tessa is being trained to be a good cock sucker and she's doing a fine job so far. I fuck her mouth before every meal and she'll use a mouth trainer all day long," Cole commented. "At the bar, when she rings the bell, that means she's taken the dildo all the way to the back of her throat and she gets to come. You want to come, don't you Tessa? Come for all of us."

Cole strummed my clit even harder as I took the dildo deeper, but tapered off when I pulled back. I groaned around the wooden object and pushed forward as far as I could. It bumped against the back of my throat and I swallowed around it convulsively, trying to accept it. The bell rang and I coughed and sucked in a breath through my nose. Cole gave an expertly sharp pinch to my clit and I came. I was lost in my pleasure, uncaring that Jake and Catherine were watching, and only barely aware that the bell continued to ring.

Cole pulled my hips back and the cock came out of my mouth. He lifted me up and wrapped his arms around me, planted a soft kiss on top of my head. "I'm so proud of you, Tessa. You kept that cock down your throat the whole time you came."

I just let my husband hold me up as I recovered my breath, and also my wits, reveling in the knowledge that I'd pleased him. After, he dressed me in my corset, skirt and wraparound blouse.

"Would you like me to help fix your hair?" Catherine asked.

I touched my hand to my tresses. I’d forgotten how tangled they must be.

"Yes, thank you," I replied, leading her upstairs to the bedroom.

I gave her the hairbrush and stood before the mirror on the wall, glancing at her reflection. "I'm not very good at being friends," I admitted, rubbing my hands together nervously. "I should be prompt and tell you so you're not upset when I say something mean. It''s going to happen sometime. Maybe now because I didn't like that you and Jake watched me downstairs."

Catherine swiped her hand through the air and shrugged. "It's hard to get used to, but it's best if you do quickly because it's going to always be that way. I had to endure Sam putting a cork in my ass the day after we married. Then Cole got to sit with me as I fucked myself on my special chair."

"He did?" A tinge of jealousy swamped me, although I had no idea what a special chair was. Did Cole long for Catherine?

"Don't worry, all the men will see you, do things to you. They're just helping each other, and ultimately us."

"Doctor Graham saw...some things yesterday." I couldn't say what specifically aloud.

"See?" Catherine grinned. "We'll be able to commiserate together." As she worked out the tangles at the bottom of my long hair, she continued. "I've only been here a short time so I don't have any friends besides Maura, so one more would be nice. I have to admit, I've heard that you're a little...difficult."

I winced.

"I'm sorry, but that's what I heard, not what I know. How about we start off fresh?" She looked at me expectantly, almost eagerly. Perhaps there were others out there who were alone like me, although I had put myself in my own personal exile by being rude.

"I'd like that." I smiled. "Can I ask you a question?" I bit my lip, hoping she wouldn't laugh at me. I'd just die if she did, but I had to know.

"Of course," she murmured.

"I think there might be something wrong with me, but Cole says I'm fine."

Catherine's blond brows went up. "Oh?"

"I can't stop, I need to come, again and again. It doesn't stop, this need. Even when Cole's not with me, I have to come. But then, I think of Cole and wish he, filling me." I felt my cheeks heat.

Catherine relaxed her shoulders. "He's right. There's nothing wrong with you. You're in heat and it's too strong to fight."

That was a little depressing. "Then what should I do?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic