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“It’s made from several fruits that are native to Sapphira,” he explains. “Along with common bread ingredients, such as flour and eggs. Everything is mixed together and baked with herbs and spices. Sometimes, meat is added for extra protein.”

Somehow, it doesn’t even sound gross to add meat. This is too delicious. I take another bite, enjoying the savory flavor.

“We don’t have anything like this on Mars,” I say regretfully.

Ezra laughs. “I’ve heard Earthlings are quite selective about the food they will ingest.”

“Picky,” I say. “You mean humans are picky.”

Ezra shrugs and takes another bite of his food. Somehow, he even looks graceful while he’s eating. Why can’t I be more like that? I feel like a fumbling slob, but somehow, I manage to finish my bread without dropping too many crumbs.

We finish eating in silence. Then Ezra pulls out a little pillow from his pack. He pushes the pack into the corner of the nest, then he turns around so he’s lying with his head near me.

“I only have one comfort item,” he says. “I’ll share with you. Lie down.”

Awkwardly, I manage to wiggle down so I’m lying beside him and our heads are on the pillow. I feel small compared to Ezra. I feel tiny.

But I feel safe.

There’s no way Stremon can find me here in this nest. He can’t possibly find me up here hanging in a tree. There’s simply no way. Even if he crosses the entire planet, he won’t think to look for me up here.

“You’re worried,” Ezra says.

“What makes you say that?” I bite my bottom lip, but don’t look at him.

“Your heart is racing,” he says. Then Ezra turns on his side so he’s facing me. I don’t move, but he places his hand on my chest. I’m not sure if he’s trying to find my heartbeat, but he’s definitely making it go even faster than it was before.

“How could you tell?”

“I can hear it.”

“You can hear my heartbeat? Do you have super hearing or something?”

“Something like that.” He keeps his hand in place and doesn’t move it. The touch isn’t sexual, but it lights up my body like fireworks. I shouldn’t be so turned on from this touch that is meant to comfort and calm, but I do.

I do.

I don’t want to be honest with myself and admit how much I want someone like Ezra. I’ve been alone on Mars for a very long time and I haven’t had a boyfriend in many years. I haven’t wanted one or needed one, but then again, none of the boys I’ve been with have ever made me feel the way Ezra is making me feel right now.

“I’m worried,” I finally say. I’m trapped in a hanging nest with this guy, for dragon’s sake. I might as well be open with him so he knows what he’s getting into. If Stremon does make his way to Sapphira and does make his way through the woods, Ezra needs to know that he could be in danger.

The idea of putting someone as kind and caring as Ezra in danger makes me uncomfortable. It’s not fair to him to expect him to stay by my side even when things are rough. We’re strangers, really, and he’s already saved my life once.

Could I really ask him to do it again?

“What troubles you, human?” His hand is still on my chest. He can obviously tell my heart is racing. He has super hearing, but I wonder if he has super smell, too. Can he smell that I’m aroused right now? Does he know how turned on I am? Does he know that I’m about five minutes away from ripping my clothes off and trying to climb on him?

I wonder what a man like Ezra is like in bed.

I bet he’s dominating, but gentle, too.

“Dagger?” He says, bringing me back to the present. There’s a little smirk on Ezra’s face. I feel like he does know I’m aroused right now.

Good for me.

Classy, Dagger. Classy.

“Someone is after me,” I finally say.

Tags: Sophie Stern The Hidden Planet Science Fiction