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Chapter 3


The inside of the auction house is about what I’d expect a back-alley warehouse to look like. It’s really fucking damp, and dirty, and weirdly crowded. I’d guess there are at least fifty people present. There’s a large seating area and at the front is a small stage.

The stage.

The one where the girls are going to be paraded around.

The one where I’m going to see the human they stole.

Where the hell did these guys get a human?

Does the kid even know what she’s doing here?

I’m going to go crazy wondering about it, thinking about it, and the truth is that it really shouldn’t be any of my concern. It’s not any of my concern. Only, I don’t really believe that for a second. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when I see this woman. I’m not sure if I’m going to freak out and attack the people bidding on her or if I’m going to plan some grand rescue. I don’t know.

I’m not the kind of guy who makes plans.

Life is more fun when you’re spontaneous.

The guy who convinced me to wander into the shitty establishment guides me to one of the few empty seats in the front of the audience. These seats are roped off and he has to remove the rope from the aisle before I sit down.

Is this supposed to be VIP seating?

“Please enjoy yourself,” the man says in a hushed whisper. He places a bidding remote in my hand. It’s designed to offer a simply way to bid on the girls. All I have to do is press a button and my bid will be recorded. I don’t even have to lift my hand. I don’t even have to move.

After he gives me my remote, the man disappears back up the aisle. I wonder if he’s going to go try to get more people to join the auction. I wonder if he’s going to try to get other people here to buy the girls that are about to be paraded on the stage.

I take my seat and look around. I probably shouldn’t. These aren’t the type of people who are going to appreciate being stared at, but for some reason, I just can’t help myself. I’m sitting on a wooden ch

air that’s hard and uncomfortable and creaks when I move. The other chairs all look the same.

Save for one other empty chair in the front row of seats, the chairs are full and there are men standing around, loitering. These aren’t nice-looking guys. These aren’t the type of people I expected to see here.

What did I expect, though?

Billionaires in high-class suits?

That’s not what I’m seeing. The people here look like me: dirty, secretive. They look disguised, gross even. There’s one person in a masquerade mask, another wearing a gorilla mask. A few people have painted their faces and several wear large, baggy overcoats.

Whatever is happening here tonight is dark, even for Dreagle.

I swallow loudly. Suddenly, my mouth is dry. I turn back around and feel a chill settle over my body. I shouldn’t have come here. I know that now. I shouldn’t have walked into this cave of chaos and pain. I shouldn’t have come.

I’m not a hero.

I’m not the kind of man who even wants to be a hero.

I’m just me.

I’m just Quinn.

I’m a thief and a liar and I’m being hunted.

I’m no savior.

Just when I decide I’m definitely in the wrong place, that I should definitely leave, the lights dim and the show begins. This is it, then. This is the moment. A tall man appears on stage and the hustler from outside is beside him.

Tags: Sophie Stern The Hidden Planet Science Fiction