Page 2 of Free For Him

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StaffSergeantAwesome: Come on, now. I’m not that bad!

CutieFrog: I know.

StaffSergeantAwesome: So, how was the date?

CutieFrog: So bad!

StaffSergeantAwesome: Tell me all about it.

CutieFrog: He was 20 minutes late meeting me and then he showed up smelling like smoke.

StaffSergeantAwesome: Not a fan of smokers?

CutieFrog: Not so much.

StaffSergeantAwesome: Okay, what else?

CutieFrog: It was just everything. He didn’t hold the door, he was rude, he didn’t ask me about myself…it might sound selfish, but I don’t just want to talk about the guy on a date. I kinda wanna talk about me, too. Doesn’t he want to know what’s important to me? Doesn’t he want to hear what I value? Maybe I’m being childish…

StaffSergeantAwesome: Not at all. I think if you’re going to take the time to go out with someone, you should know what you’re getting into. What’s the point of dating someone you can’t stand, you know?

CutieFrog: Exactly!

StaffSergeantAwesome: So, Sarah…what are you interested in?

CutieFrog: Why, SSgt…are you trying to date me?

StaffSergeantAwesome: I’m just trying to learn a little more about the girl who makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world.

CutieFrog: You flatter me! Oh, well, let’s see. I like to draw and paint and jog. I work at a law office, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world.

StaffSergeantAwesome: What’s your favorite thing in the world?

CutieFrog: Talking to cute deployed boys on the Internet.

StaffSergeantAwesome: Aw, and here I thought I was special!

CutieFrog: You are special.

StaffSergeantAwesome: :D

CutieFrog: What about you, SSgt? What do you like to do for fun?

StaffSergeantAwesome: Well, when I’m not working (which is all the time), I like to read. Don’t have much time for that here, though. Sometimes I kick your brother’s ass in Halo.

CutieFrog: Ha! He’ll never admit to that.

StaffSergeantAwesome: Don’t I know it.

CutieFrog: Speaking of brothers…how is Garrett? He hasn’t written me much lately. Is he doing okay?

StaffSergeantAwesome: We’ve just been busy with work.

CutieFrog: And what exactly have you been busy with?

StaffSergeantAwesome: Classified, but nice try.

CutieFrog: Can’t blame a girl for trying! :’(

Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy