Page 14 of Free For Him

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Things might not have gone according to plan, but at least he hadn’t freaked out when she told him.

Maybe life was looking up after all.


Chris couldn’t believe what had happened. Sarah was pregnant. She was completely, totally, 100% knocked up, and he didn’t care at all.

He still wanted her.

Only now he wanted them. He wanted to be a dad, to have a family with her. He wanted to raise this little kid with her, to give him or her the best life possible. Chris didn’t care the baby wouldn’t have his genes. That stuff didn’t matter to him. It would still be his.

And this baby would be loved.

He had been drunk when she arrived, but now he wasn’t even buzzed. He just watched her sleep for a little while and thought about how he could help her, how he could make her happy.

Carefully, he got off the couch and brought a blanket over to her. He draped it over her body and tucked it around her, then headed back to the bedroom.

Damn. He had a lot to do.

His apartment was small, but comfortable. They could live here while the baby was little, but they’d need to move to a bigger place eventually. They’d want a house with a yard where their baby could run around, where he or she could play with toys and run and have fun.

But Chris was getting ahead of himself. He tended to do that. Sarah hadn’t even said she would be with him, would be his girl. She hadn’t said she wanted him in her baby’s life or that she’d be willing to let him help her raise the child. The only thing Sarah had admitted to was liking him and caring about him.

But was that enough?

He wanted to think so, but he was tired, and he knew he’d be able to act more rationally when he’d gotten some sleep. Chris laid his head down and soon was drifting off to sleep. His dreams were filled with diapers and pacifiers, and when he woke, he hopped out of bed.

He was worried she’d be gone, that she would have sneaked out in the middle of the night. Sarah was special, but she was timid sometimes, and nervous. Chris didn’t want her to think she was anything less than perfect, but he had to be careful with her.

She wasn’t used to having someone to take care of her.

When he headed into the hall, he smelled coffee, and his whole body relaxed.

She hadn’t left.

Sarah was still here.

He walked into the kitchen and took a good, long look at her. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, but it was a little snug on her, and he could see the roundness of her little belly.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” she said, pushing a cup of coffee into his hands. He looked down at it, then back at her.

“Is coffee okay to…” He stopped when he saw the glare she was shooting him, so he backed up and tried again. “What I mean is, thank you for the coffee. I wasn’t sure if it would hurt the baby.” He looked at her belly and she patted it.

“Coffee is fine in moderation. Don’t worry. My doctor and I went over all of that on day one. I hope you don’t mind me wearing your shirt. I sneaked into your room earlier and grabbed one,” she blushed when she said it, and he realized he’d been sleeping in the nude.

“Why little Sarah,” he murmured, taking a step forward. “Did you see me without my pants on?”

“No,” she said, but her face turned a little more red.

“I should spank you for lying, naughty girl,” he said.

“You wouldn’t,” she squeaked, but her eyes got a little bigger. Was his cutie into a little kink with her play? He wondered.

There was only one way to find out.

“Yes, I would, Sarah,” he said, stepping forward. “If my girl needed a spanking to keep her in line, I absolutely would bend her over my knee and swat her bottom.”

She licked her lips, and he knew he’d met his match.

Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy