Page 11 of Free For Him

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CutieFrog: I like to think so

CutieFrog: What about you?

CutieFrog: Any big plans tonight?

StaffSergeantAwesome: I’ve got a hot date

CutieFrog: Oh?

StaffSergeantAwesome: With a bottle of cheap wine and a pizza.

CutieFrog: Ha! Drinking alone? Was your day really that bad? You got to spend time with meeee. I thought that would make it awesome.

StaffSergeantAwesome: What would be awesome is if you were here

CutieFrog: Nothing’s stopping me…but I didn’t get an invite

StaffSergeantAwesome: Consider this your invite

Sarah stared at her computer. Was this really happening? Chris Miles just invited her over and she had basically begged him to.

CutieFrog: Do you think it’s a good idea?

She bit her lip nervously as she waited for him to respond. She was being crazy and rash and all sorts of things.

She was about to have a baby, for goodness sake. A baby! And it wasn’t Chris’. And Chris had no idea. And a mother-to-be had no business dating or flirting with guys or going over to their houses.

But oh, Sarah wanted to.

She had wanted Chris for as long as she could remember. She’d told Garrett about it one drunken night. He’d been decidedly quiet on the topic, but promised not to say anything to Chris about it. She felt bad for putting her brother in the middle of things, bad for telling him she was falling for his best friend.

The truth was that she and Chris shared a certain bond now, though. No one could really understand what it was like to lose someone you loved more than anything else. No one could know what it felt like to have to say goodbye to your best friend unless they’d lost theirs.

And Chris had.

And so had she.

StaffSergeantAwesome: I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had

CutieFrog: What’s your address?

StaffSergeantAwesome: I thought you’d never ask

She jotted down his house number and ran to her bedroom to change. She tried three different outfits before she finally settled on black leggings and a pink tunic shirt. She was all about baggy shirts these days. She knew they made her look fat, but looking fat was better than looking pregnant when you weren’t ready to tell anyone.

She couldn’t drink, obviously, but she could come up with any number of excuses for that. I’m dieting or it’s against my religion could work, right?

Sarah tried not to think too much about what it was going to be like to be alone – really alone – with Chris for the first time. She was nervous and anxious and just a little bit horny. Stupid second trimester. Her doctor had warned her this would happen. It did to everyone, she had said.

Still, Sarah had managed to get by with just her dildo and her favorite dirty books this entire time. She wasn’t so naïve to think that Chris would want to fuck her tonight, or at all. After all, maybe he considered her to be off limits. Maybe he thought she was just his friend’s little sister and nothing more.

She didn’t know.

What she did know was that after tonight, nothing was going to be the same as it was before. No matter what happened, no matter how much fun they had and whether or not they fooled around, hanging out alone was a big step. No matter what anyone said, it was important to Sarah.

And Chris was important to her.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He opened it a few seconds later. Shirtless, he was wearing only sweatpants and a smile. He had a bottle of wine in his hand.

Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy