Page 23 of Vampire Kiss

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I walked to another pulled that one open.


I walked in and stared at myself in the mirror.

I blinked.

What the hell was I staring at?

It was still me, but I looked...ethereal. I looked different. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face to see if that would clear things up, but when I looked back at the mirror, the same face stared back at me.

That face seemed smarter than I was.



“What the hell is going on?” I whispered.

I reached out and touched the glass, placing my hand on the mirror. Something was going on, and I didn’t know what. I was naked, which wasn’t unusual, but my hair seemed like it still looked just as good as when I’d fallen asleep.

Only, I couldn’t remember falling asleep.

I walked back into the bedroom. There was a man standing there with his back to me. He turned around, and he smiled at me.

“You’re awake,” he said, and suddenly, everything came rushing back to me.

Liam, the Vampire of Garnetia, had turned me into a vampire. He’d turned me into a monster, and I hadn’t fought him nearly as much as I should have. In fact, by the time he was almost done, I was super into it, and the experience had been wildly wonderful. He’d even made me come.

He’d turned me into a vampire, and then he’d gotten me off.

And I’d done it.

I’d come for him.

What kind of freak was I that I would just come for him?

“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said.

“You read my mind,” I accused. “You said you couldn’t.”

“No,” he said. “I can’t read your mind, but you’re not very good at hiding your emotions.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I whispered. I didn’t care that I was naked. I wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed. I didn’t bother hiding my body from him. I just stared at him. I hated that he thought he knew me. He was so certain he had me figured out.

“Love, your anger is written all over your face.”

“Why would you say there’s nothing wrong with me?” I whispered.

“You were a human until yesterday,” he said. “You’ve been raised in a conservative world that is pretty straightforward as to what’s wrong and what’s right, and what you’re allowed to like.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.”

“On the contrary,” he smiled, pleased with himself. “It means everything.”


“Darling, you’re a vampire now. You can do anything. All of those little dark desires you’ve had? You’re now allowed to explore them.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Vampires