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He squeezed my hand in his and said, “I think there’s something here, Victoria. As I said at the bar, I know I’m not the kind of guy you’re looking to get serious with. You have it in your head that you’re going to marry a suit and be a wife … I get it. All I’m saying is, you’re not married yet, and since you’re single, and I’m single, why not have some fun before you settle down?” He leaned across, his eyes locked on mine as he continued. “We’ve got chemistry, why not explore it? Let’s show each other a good time, have a little fun, and see what happens?”

I was at the same time offended and tempted by his offer. Could I allow myself to spend time dating Brock, and let’s face it, be intimate with him? I knew that’s what he was asking … He was blunt in a way that no man had ever been with me before, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t appealing.

I cleared my throat and decided to stop worrying about what everyone else thought. For once, I was going to do something that I wanted to do. “Okay.”

“Okay?” he asked, surprised.

“Okay,” I repeated “I’ll go out with you tonight.”

Brock squeezed my hand again, and he smiled as wide as I had the day Kate Spade had a 70% off sale on handbags.

“Great,” he replied, still smiling. Then his phone beeped and he pulled his hand from mine to check it. After he read his text he looked up at me and said, “I’ve got to get to work. How does six-thirty sound?”

“Perfect,” I responded, already beginning to question my decision to go on the date with him. My mind was reeling with pros and cons as we walked outside, so when we stopped in front of a very large truck, I turned to Brock in confusion.

He opened the door and put out a hand to help me up, and I asked, “What’s this?”

“You were obviously afraid on the bike, so I had Br

ady drop off my truck and take the bike back.”

I blinked at him, then placed my hand in his, asking softly, “You did?”

“Yeah, babe. I’m not going to make you do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

I let him help me into the truck, then watched as he closed my door and walked around to the driver’s side. All of the chatter in my brain stopped as the sweetness of his gesture filled me, and I found myself anxiously anticipating our date tonight.

Maybe it was high time I dated against type.

Chapter 5 – Brock

“Did you have to be so rude?” I asked my brother as I walked into the office. Brady glanced up at me from the computer screen and shrugged.

“What was I supposed to do, fawn all over her?” he asked with a scowl.

“No, just be civil, okay?” I requested as I passed his desk and continued down the hall to my office. Brady had always been the most sensitive of my brothers, and the most loyal. Our parents’ death had hit him hard, and because of that, he’d become very protective of me. I understood where he was coming from, but since Victoria didn’t know him, I’m sure she’d been confused by his attitude.

Gaby had been the first girl that I’d liked enough to bring around my brothers, and when she’d chosen Scott over me, Brady’s pit bull had come out. He still hadn’t forgiven her, even though I’d assured him I’d moved on.

I sighed, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck as I looked around my office. There was an old desk that had been in my father’s office, some second-hand furniture, and a pile of paperwork on an end table. I needed to get myself organized, and it was high time I bought some better furniture for the office. Not just mine, but the reception area as well. I’d made enough money to upgrade, I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. It hadn’t been an issue so far, but since I’d gotten a coveted contract recently, it was probably time for the company to look more professional.

O’Malley Brothers had succeeded beyond my wildest dreams, and I was proud of what I’d built. Now it was time to make the digs match the growing business.

I was going through my emails when my phone signaled an incoming text. I picked up my phone and grinned when I saw the message from TJ.

“Poker. Tomorrow Night. You in?”

I looked down at my calendar before replying, “My turn to host. Tell the guys 7. I’ll spring for pizza.”

“Sounds good.”

“Brady,” I called out as I put down the phone.


“You down for poker tomorrow night? My place,” I shouted back.


Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance