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Brendan sat still as I gathered up the plates, even though I could see he was forcing himself to not jump up and help me. I was tired of being waited on hand and foot, so I made him promise to let me start pulling my own weight again. I jostled the plates as I picked up my cane, but luckily kept my grasp on them before they crashed to the floor.

“Bro, Victoria is a reasonable woman. All you have to do is explain where you were coming from, and tell her how you feel. I’m sure she’ll forgive you,” he kept at it as he followed me into the kitchen. “You didn’t see her when she came rushing into the hospital, Brock. I did. The girl loves you, man. Just give her a chance to prove it.”

I wanted to believe what my brother was saying was true, but shit … I was scared. The thought of laying my heart on the line, only to be rejected, was terrifying. I didn’t know if she was ready yet to hear what I had to say.

Although, really, if that happened, I deserved it. An eye for an eye, and all that.

On the flipside, if she did accept my apology and took me back, well, then I’d feel like I’d won the lottery.

“Is it worth the risk?” I muttered, half to myself, but Brendan still answered.

“Shit, yeah, it is. Man, I’ve never seen you as happy as you were when you were with Victoria. It’s like you guys feed off each other and shit. She had you

dining in her parents’ mansion, and you had her out mudding for Christ’s sake. Together, you’re the shit … But apart, your life kinda sucks, bro.”

I chuckled at Brendan’s delivery, but had to admit I’d received the message.

“Can you give me a lift?” I asked, pissed that I couldn’t drive myself. I’d been waiting on Brady to pick me up earlier, when I’d run into Victoria outside of Brandt’s offices. It sucked to have to count on people to taxi me around, but at least I was on my feet again.

“Yeah, man, but you’d better convince her to take you back. I’m going out tonight, and don’t need you calling and cock blocking me,” Brendan replied with a laugh.

“Asshole,” I chuckled, then hobbled over to grab my wallet and keys. “Let’s go.”

“What, now?” he asked.

“No time like the present, brother,” I said, eager to get to Victoria and lay it all out for her before I lost my nerve.

I tapped my cane nervously on the dash as we drove.

“Dude,” Brendan said, indicating I should stop.

I started drumming my fingers on my leg as Victoria’s building came into view.

“Brock, get outta here, before you make me have a nervous breakdown.”

I turned to my brother, hand on the handle, and said, “Thanks for everything, Bren.”

“Anytime,” he said, then tilted his chin toward the building. “Now go get your girl.”

I nodded once, then eased myself out of the car. I couldn’t say I was graceful about it, trying to balance as I shut the door, then leaning into the cane, but it felt amazing to be on my feet again.

I heard the clap of thunder as I negotiated the stairs, and hoped to hell I wouldn’t be back out on my ass in fifteen minutes.

I knocked on the door, suddenly overcome with nerves, and feeling like the biggest pussy who ever lived. This was ridiculous, right? I mean, what’s the worst that she could say? Get the hell out of my life?

As the thoughts ran through my head, I realized just how much my future depended on the conversation I was about to have.

Victoria opened the door, a look of surprise on her face. I took her in … She was no longer in the fancy suit she’d been wearing earlier. Instead, she had on a form-fitting Whiskey Heat T-shirt, jeans that fit her just right, and bare feet. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was devoid of makeup.

She looked like a fantasy come to life.

“Brock, what are you doing here?” she asked, her arms crossing over her chest.

“Sorry for just dropping by, but like I said earlier, I’ve been meaning to call you. After seeing you today, I realized what I want to say needs to be done face to face.”

Victoria stood there, her indecision apparent, and I began to worry that I wouldn’t even make it through the damn door.

“Please, Tori, just give me fifteen minutes,” I pleaded, not above using any means necessary to get inside. She smiled at my choice of words, and I knew she was remembering back to when this all started. Finally coming to a decision, she moved aside and indicated that I could come in.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance