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“Really?” Shelly asked with a big grin.

“That’s awesome,” Gaby added. “Scott didn’t mention it.”

“I don’t know if he knows yet. Carson and I spoke at the beginning of the week, and I have an appointment at his office this afternoon to go over his expectations and talk contracts,” I replied, unable to contain my excitement.

I could hardly believe that this idea of Brock’s was actually turning into a full-time job. I was nervous about working for Brandt Industries, because it was such a big corporation, but I felt comfortable in the fact that I’d be working for people that I knew, even if it had been through my relationship with Scott.

Although the first few days after Brock kicked me out of his hospital room had been hard, I’d proven to myself that I was not my mother, and I wouldn’t let a man break my spirit, thanks in large part to my sister. So, although I was devastated by Brock’s rejection, I could look back now and be grateful for what he’d given me. Not just a career, but a purpose in life, and a confidence in myself to make it successful.

“How is he?” I asked Gaby. Three sets of eyes turned to me, and I felt the empathy in the room.

“Better,” she responded with a gentle smile. “He’s able to walk with a cane, and Brady has moved back into his own house, leaving Brock and Brendan alone at theirs. His mood seems better, now that he’s able to be a little more independent.”

“That’s wonderful,” I replied, honestly happy that Brock was on the mend. Knowing him, it had been difficult to feel helpless, since he was so used to being the person who the people in his life looked to for strength.

“Have you given any thought to calling him?” Shelly asked. “Now that you’ve both had some time apart?”

I shook my head sadly. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He made his feelings about our relationship pretty clear.”

“But…” Sasha began, but was silenced when Shelly shook her head at her.

“We have to let her do what she thinks is best, Sash.”

“Right,” I said a little too loudly. “Enough talk about that, why don’t you tell me about the room Cal finished for the baby.”

We talked about color schemes and all things baby for about thirty minutes, then they had to go home to their men, and I had to go to my meeting with Mr. Brandt.

I put on a suit and gathered the portfolio that Gwen had helped me put together. The pictures were absolutely wonderful. Once I checked to make sure I had everything, I took a deep breath and headed out for what I hoped would be another life-changing meeting.

When I arrived at Brandt Industries, it took me a few minutes to find an available parking spot, so I was flustered as I hurried up the street. I wasn’t late, but the fact that I wouldn’t be fifteen minutes early, like I’d planned, was causing chaos to my nerves. My head was down as I adjusted my purse and portfolio, so it wasn’t until I hit what felt like a brick wall did I look up to see Brock standing in front of me.

His hair was long; he obviously hadn’t gotten it cut since the accident, so it was curling up around his ears and flopping over his eyes. He used the hand that wasn’t resting on his cane to push the hair out of his face, but it was no use.

He looked beautiful. Big, broad, and healthy in well-worn jeans and a long-sleeve button-up shirt, his beard cropped close to his face.

“Tori,” he said, his voice gruff, causing me to stop my perusal of him and bring my eyes to his. His face looked paler than usual, but he didn’t look like he’d lost weight. Or if he did, Brendan had probably helped him gain it back.

“Brock,” I responded, my heart thumping painfully in my chest. “It’s good to see you’re doing well.”

“Yeah,” he chuckled ruefully, eyes looking over my head before coming back to meet mine. “The first few days after the accident were pretty scary, but once the feeling in my legs started coming back, it became easier to focus on my recovery.”

“That’s great…” I began, looking at my watch, about to tell him I had to go.

“Look, Victoria, I’ve been meaning to call you.” I shot my head up and gave him a forced smile.

“Don’t worry about it,” I lied, then, needing to get away from him, I added, “I’m sorry, but I have to go meet Carson, I don’t want to be late.”

At the mention of Carson’s name, Brock’s mouth clamped shut and his eyes narrowed. “That’s where I’m coming from actually … Anything going on that I should know about?”

Confused, I said, “No … why would you?” Then, oblivious to the fact that Brock’s body had just gone ramrod straight, I brushed past him and said, “It was great seeing you, Brock, and again, I’m glad you’re doing so well.”

Ignoring the clamoring of my heart, and the desire to rush back and throw myself in his arms, I kept my face forward and hurried to my meeting. When I got to the building and opened the big glass door, I turned my head slightly to look covertly through the sheet of my hair, to where I’d left Brock. He was still standing there on the sidewalk, eyes on me until I disappeared into the building.

Chapter 25 ~ Brock

“Just go talk to her,” Brendan said as he polished off his steak and mashed potatoes.

“I really don’t think she wants me to, Bren,” I admitted as I pushed back from the table. “She looked pretty eager to get away from me. Not that I blame her. I was a total dick to her at the hospital.”

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance