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“Have a seat,” she said when we’d entered the living room. Ever the gracious hostess she asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

“No … thanks,” I responded. Now that I was here, the words seemed to be clogged in my throat. Victoria sat across from me, her hands folded in her lap as she waited patiently. But I saw the tremble of her hands, and knew she wasn’t as unaffected by me as she was trying to appear. “Let me start by apologizing. I was an ass. First at the bar, that whole deal with Abby and Brendan … I should have stayed out of it. It was a knee-jerk reaction, defending my brother, and I know it was the same for you with your sister. I let my anger get the best of me and I lashed out. I shouldn’t have.”

“That’s okay,” Victoria replied, clearing her throat before adding, “I’d had too much to drink and overreacted. I knew that then, and have already forgiven you for that. The things you said hurt me, I won’t lie, but I understood where you were coming from. We were both wrong.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you.” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my thighs, wishing I could hold her, but knowing she didn’t want me to. Not yet. “Not just that night, but at the hospital. I have no excuse for my actions, Tori. I was a dick, there’s no denying it. All I can say is that I was scared. Brady was a mess, and I was stuck in that bed, useless. I couldn’t help him and Brendan cope with my accident, the way I had with my parents. The thought of not being able to walk again, to not be able to run my business the way I was used to, it drove me crazy. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a proud and stubborn man. I need to be the strong one, the protector. I need to be needed, and the thought of having to depend on others to help me was more than I could take. It was all just too much, and in my own misguided way, I was trying to do right by you.”

I paused, unable to sit any longer, and stood up. Pacing the room with a cane was a pain in my ass, but I had to move. There was too much adrenaline pumping through my body to sit still.

“You were just finishing up decorating my place, and I knew that you were going to land more jobs. I could tell that the job was fulfilling you in a way nothing had before, and I didn’t want to pull your focus away from that. I didn’t want you to give up the things that were making you happy, to be a nurse to me. It was bad enough that Brady and Brendan had their lives interrupted because of me. I couldn’t do that to you too.”

“It wasn’t your choice to make,” Victoria broke in, her voice angry. She stood and walked over to me, stopping a few inches away, hands on her hips. “We were in a relationship, and I was scared too. I got a phone call saying you were in an accident, and when I got to the hospital, everyone was a wreck. We didn’t know what was going on. Then, the doctors said we could see you, and I was so happy that you were alive, and going to be okay … All I wanted to do was crawl into that bed with you and hold you.” She brought a hand up to cover a sob, as tears spilled over her face. I itched to go to her, but she held a hand up, stopping me. “Instead … you broke up with me. Told me I was basically too shallow to handle what was happening to you. I wanted to be there for you, and you mocked me.”

I dropped my arms to my side, helpless, and said, “I’m so sorry, Tori. I was wrong.”

Crying unabashedly now, she looked into my eyes and asked, “Is that what you think of me?”

Unable to stay away from her any longer, I bridged the gap between us, and pulled her tight with one arm. Victoria accepted my comfort, burrowing her head in my chest as I did my best to keep my balance and not topple us both over.

“No, babe. It’s not. I thought I was protecting you, so I used things that I knew would make you hate me, to get you to go. I didn’t mean it. I think you’re a wonderful woman, Tori. So full of passion. I love that you aren’t afraid to try new things, that you give as good as you get, and you never fail to surprise me. I love that you gave me a chance, even though on the outside it looks like we have not one thing in common. That even though I’m a stubborn, beer-drinking, overprotective, and often times controlling man-child, you could see past all that, and want to be with me anyway.” I stroked her hair as her crying subsided. “I’m sorry … for all of it. And I want you to know that it was all on me, nothing is wrong with you.”

Victoria pulled back and looked up at me. I swept my thumb underneath her eyes to wipe away the tears, and asked the question that had been burning in my gut all day.

“Are you seeing Brandt?”

Victoria blinked, obviously surprised, and the tension in me eased as I got my answer.

“No. I was there about a job,” she replied.

“That’s great!” I responded, relieved and sincerely thrilled at the opportunity for her.

“Yes. You know the new building you’re contracted to paint?” I nodded. “Well, I’ve just been hired to decorate it.”

I pulled her to me in a hug, lifting her off her feet, not thinking. Whe

n we started to stumble back I put her on the ground and righted myself.

She was laughing as I said sheepishly, “Sorry.” Then I added, “That’s wonderful. Brandt can open a lot of doorways for you.”

Victoria smiled and nodded, clearly proud and excited at the new opportunity.

I brought my hand to her cheek, resting it there gently, lovingly, and asked, “Can you ever forgive me?”

Those violet eyes caught mine, captivating me, as the curve of her lips got bigger and she simply said, “Of course. I love you, Brock.”

Not thinking, I went with instinct and pulled her to me, eager to have her in my arms. This time when we toppled, I was unable to stop it. Luckily, I maneuvered so we landed on her chaise. Me on my back, with Victoria flush against me.

“Fuckin’ leg,” I muttered as she giggled, then I pulled her face toward mine, stopping before her lips touched mine. I searched her face with my eyes, took in the beauty and love that was radiating from her, and gave it back. “I’m so lucky you gave me those fifteen minutes, I never imagined how they would change my life forever. I love you, Tori. With all of my heart.”

Please keep reading for an excerpt of book 5 in the Time for Love series, 10 Years.

10 Years is Now Available for Preorder!

Chapter 1 ~ Craig

(10 years old)

All I wanted to do was go play baseball. My brother, Cal, had promised he’d take me to the cages and then go play catch, but first, he wanted to stop at the park.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance