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“Anytime, brother, you know that,” I replied, then said, “Thanks,” to Brady when he put a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. “You want?”

“I’m good,” TJ replied, indicating his own cup of coffee. “I stopped to see Gaby at Bee Sweet, and brought you some assorted croissants.”

“I appreciate that.” Bee Sweet was famous for their croissants. “How’s everything going at the shop?”

“Great,” TJ said. “That was another reason I stopped by. I’m just about done with Brady’s Chevelle. I’ll have him come by to give it a look over and let me know how he feels about the progress. Next up I’m getting started on one of Brandt’s vintage cars.”

“That’s awesome, man, I’m so happy for you and Cal,” I replied sincerely. My friends had opened their own custom body shop, and so far it looked like the business was going to do just fine. Then I put my fork down and brought my eyes to his. “How’s Victoria?”

I knew he’d have a line on her. The girls had taken Victoria into their fold, and I knew Sasha told him everything.

“She’s good. As you know she finished up with your project. And Gwennie took some pictures of

her work and was helping her put some sort of book together that she can show prospective clients. The girls have stopped by there a couple of times to hang out and have girls’ night. You should call her.”

I shook my head and replied, “Not yet.”

“I assume you know what you’re doing, bro, but don’t wait too long. I’ll admit that I wasn’t Victoria’s biggest fan when she was dating Scott, but she’s different now. In large part, I think, because of you. And it won’t take long for some other guy to want a taste of that sweetness that you uncovered.”

His words brought a scowl to my face, the thought of some other guy going after Victoria not sitting well at all.

“Something to think about,” TJ said in response. “Well, I have to get to the shop, but we need to get together soon. I’m thinking poker night is in order.”

“Yeah, just let me know,” I replied, thinking a night with the guys sounded like just what I needed. “Thanks for stopping by.”

TJ clapped a hand on my shoulder, called out, “Later” to Brady, then let himself out.

“Hey, bro, you got the croissants?” I yelled out to Brady.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fixing my plate, then I’ll bring them to you,” Brady yelled back, then I heard him mutter, “I’m like a damned housewife.”

I grinned at my brother’s words. Yeah, we were all definitely ready for me to be recovered and back to myself, and once that happened, I hoped Victoria was ready to let me back in, because I wasn’t going to stop until she was.

Chapter 24 ~ Victoria

I opened the door, then took a quick step back, lest I get trampled by the trio of beautiful women rushing through my door.

“Sorry, the baby is pressing right on my bladder,” Shelly said as she rushed inside with Sasha clearing her path. Gaby laughed and gave me a hug, then I shut the door and followed her and Sasha into my living room.

They’d made a habit of stopping in once a week to check on me. At first, I’d been unsure of how to take them, but now, I cherished the visits with my new friends.

“How’s the morning sickness?” I asked Gaby as I eased onto the sofa next to her.

“Better,” she said, patting her stomach, a soft smile on her lips.

“Woo, that was a close one,” Sasha said, brushing her curls back from her face as she entered the room. “I didn’t think we’d make it.”

I laughed as she flopped down onto the chaise and joked, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were the pregnant one.”

Sasha raised her eyebrow at me and whispered menacingly, “Bite your tongue.”

Shelly came waddling into the room with a groan.

“I’m ready to have this baby already,” she said as she eased back into a high-back chair. I kept it out for her because it was too hard for her to get on and off the sofa. It was too soft.

“So, how are things going with you?” Gaby asked.

“Pretty great actually,” I responded with a smile. I’d wanted to call and tell them, but I’d decided to wait to tell them in person. “Carson Brandt called and asked me to come up with some designs for his new office complex.”

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance