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I opened the door to see a wrapped plate with three breakfast burritos. I fucking loved my brother.

I touched the top and felt that they were still slightly warm, which was good enough for me, so I leaned back against the counter and ate one, then another, as I sipped my coffee.

I turned my head when I heard Victoria gasp, then watched as she covered her mouth and giggled.

“What’s up?” I asked with a smile. She looked cute in Brendan’s Sleeping with Sirens T-shirt, black jeans that were to long they covered her feet, and her hair pulled up into a wet bun on top of her head. Her face was devoid of makeup. It wa

s a good look.

“Are you going to get dressed?” She giggled again as she walked closer, her eyes roving, until suddenly the smile was gone and her face took on a whole different look.

“No time for that.” I grinned as her hooded eyes found their way to my face. “Eat a burrito. I’ll go get dressed and we’ll head out. Okay?”

I snaked my hand out and pulled her flush against me, lowering my head and taking her lips. When I felt her hands come around and squeeze my bare ass, I chuckled against her mouth.

“Be right back.”

A few minutes later I was ready to go. I threw an old ball cap on and joined Victoria in the kitchen. She was popping the last bit of burrito in her mouth. She turned to me and said, “Wow, that was delicious.”

“Brendan has a gift,” I said with a smile, then put my arm out, indicating she should walk in front of me. I brought my hand to her lower back and guided her to the front door. “You got everything?”

“I think so,” she replied, looking down at herself, then back up at me, her expression conveying her nerves.

I dipped my head low, bringing my face closer to hers, and said, “You’ll be fine. If you try it out and don’t like it, we can hang out and watch the guys, or we can cut it early and come home. No worries.”

She nodded slowly, and I brought my thumb up to trace her lower lip, until it curved up in to a small smile.

“That’s better,” I said, then kissed the tip of her nose before ushering her outside.

I shot Brady a text that we were on our way. They’d loaded the trailer and attached it to his work truck, and would be following us out to the site. I figured it was better to ride separately, just in case Victoria hated it. I hoped she didn’t, but her reaction to riding on the motorcycle did not bode well for the four-wheeler.

When we drove down the street to Brady’s, the guys were already in his truck, coffee mugs in hand, ready to go. I gave them a thumbs up as I drove past, and they pulled out behind me.

As we neared our location, I noticed Victoria wringing her hands in her lap as she looked out the window.

“Have you ever been on a four-wheeler before?” I asked, hoping to calm her some by talking her through it.

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head as she turned her face toward me. “Is it hard?”

I lowered the volume on the radio and shook my head as I watched for our turn.

“No, not at all. It doesn’t take long to figure it out, and once you get the hang of it, I know you’ll be cruising around like a pro. It’s a lot of fun and gives you a rush of adrenaline. I think you’ll enjoy it. I’m guessing the biggest reason you didn’t like being on the back of my bike, was because you weren’t in control. Since you’ll be driving this, I think you’ll be able to relax and get into it.”

I chuckled when her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened with shock.

“I’m going to be driving?”


“Are you sure that’s a good idea … since I’ve never done anything like this?”

I took a hand off the wheel and brought it to her thigh, squeezing it encouragingly as I responded, “Tori, I promise, this is no big deal. Trust me?”

I looked briefly at her before focusing back on the road and veering off toward our exit.

“Okay,” Victoria replied, her voice small.

I pulled into the lot and turned to her with a smile. “Ready?”

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance