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“I’m sorry, Brock, but I can’t. Cal, Shelly, TJ, and Sasha … they all hate me,” I said, hoping that he would understand where I was coming from.

“They don’t hate you, I bet they just don’t know you,” Brock countered.

“They’ve known me for years, Brock. I can promise that I know their feelings toward me better than you do. There is no love lost between us. We are very different people and we just don’t get along.”

“Maybe if you give them a chance to get to know you, and you make an effort to get to know them, things would be different,” he replied, still trying to state his case.

“So what if I did, and we were able to get along, that still leaves Scott and Gaby. They would be there, and we would be there, and it would just be totally awkward. I mean, it’s embarrassing enough that he broke off our engagement, twice. I don’t think I need his new relationship flaunted in front of me.”

Brock clenched his jaw, thinking about his words before replying.

“I get the awkwardness, but after a few moments, it would go away. And I get that it sucks that things didn’t work out with you and Scott, but you have nothing to be embarrassed about; relationships fail all the time. And he broke it off with you before he got together with Gaby, and although I wish I could say the same … Shit happens. Gaby would never flaunt anything in front of you, and I can guarantee that she will not treat you differently than she treats anyone else.”

His defense of Gaby put my back up, pissed me off, and, I can’t lie, hurt a little bit.

“You can’t guarantee anything, and it doesn’t matter anyway, because I’m not going!” I shouted the last as I stood and angrily left the room.

Brock caught me by the arm before I could get to far, turning me and bringing my body roughly against his.

“Don’t walk away from me,” his voice was low and angry, “and don’t storm off like a child when all I did was ask you a simple question. You don’t want to go with me, fine, who gives a fuck? But for Christ’s sake, we should be able to discuss it like adults.”

I struggled to break from his grasp, my hand itching to slap his face, and seethed, “Don’t call me a child.”

“Then don’t act like one,” he bit back, then before I could blink, his mouth was on me. My lips, my cheek, my jawline … he was everywhere. Hands, lips, tongue. He backed me slowly toward my chaise, then turned and sat, laying his legs out on the lounge and pulling me down to straddle his lap. When I came into contact with the hard bulge in his pants, I rocked back and forth, tangling my hands in his hair as all of the anger boiled over and turned to a passion so hot, I thought it would burn me alive.

His hands ran up my legs and under my nightgown, and groaned loudly when his finger met the naked flesh underneath. When his fingers found me and began to coax my body to get even wetter, I pushed my hands between us to undo his fly and feel his silky hard flesh. I helped his dick spring free, and was so overcome and wild with need that my only thought was the pleasure that I knew he could bring, so I raised up and lowered myself fully on his dick.

I was vaguely aware of the fact that Brock was lifting his hips in order to push his jeans down his hips, leaving only his boxers in place, but the movement only caused me to lose it a little more. I grabbed onto his shoulders and rode him as if I were born to do so. Already, I could feel the orgasm building in me, and I was on a mission to reach it and have it overcome me. I felt Brock’s lips on my throat as his hands came to my hips and pushed me even harder against him with each thrust, causing his dick to reach deeper and deeper inside of me.

Brock’s tongue traced my earlobe, and when he said roughly, “Fuck me harder, Tori,” my orgasm ripped through me, and I rode him until he grunted against my neck and I felt his release, even as my body began to float back to reality.

I dropped my forehead to his shoulder, resting there as I tried to catch my breath.

My breathing had almost evened out when Brock said, “Fuck, baby, we didn’t use protection.”

I pulled my head up slowly, bringing my head up so I could look at him, his head resting back against the lounge, worried eyes on me.

“We’re okay, I’m on the pill,” I replied, and when his face expressed his relief, I leaned in to kiss his swollen lips. “Sorry I was such a bitch.” This I said softly. It was always hard for me to admit when I was wrong, and I hated to think that Brock would think badly of me.

“Hey, shit happens, babe, and we’re going to disagree,” he said, bringing a hand up to smooth back a piece of hair that had fallen in my face. “I get where you’re coming from, Tori, and I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to, but I think you all just got off on the wrong foot with each other. You didn’t belong with Scott. You knew it, and they knew it. I like being with you, and I like being with them, and I’d like them to see you for who you are. I’m proud of you, and I wanted to show you off … That’s all.”

His words ran over me like silk, and I swear, I melted a little more every time he spoke. I searched his eyes for an ulterior motive, but all I saw was sincerity, so I brought my hands up to his face, cupping it as I leaned in to give him one more kiss, and said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Chapter 13 ~ Brock

It had been the craziest fucking week, in the best possible way.

Victoria had come to the office, bright and early Monday morning, her arms overloaded with papers and catalogs. I’d set her up across from Brady, and she’d been working her ass of to get everything ready for the redecoration. It hadn’t been a hardship, seeing her beautiful face every day, but I’d kept my word and acted strictly professionally at work. We’d both been busy, so we hadn’t had a chance to get together outside of work since the weekend, but that was being remedied tonight. She was coming over to my place, and having dinner with me and my brothers.

I’d finally had my meeting with Mr. Brandt, and was excited at the prospect of working with him. He’s insinuated that if everything went well with this job, he’d push more business my way. I was thrilled to have landed the project, and at the prospect of growing my business even more.

With Victoria on site, and bringing my team up to speed on the Brandt project, I hadn’t had time to talk to Cal or Shelly about my plus one for the shower. I figured, even though it was being thrown by Sasha and Gaby, I needed to speak personally with Shelly to give her a heads up. That was why, instead of grabbing a bite to eat with Victoria, I was headed into the bank.

I’d been there a number of times, I used that bank for O’Malley’s, after all, so I knew where Shelly’s office was. I made m

y way down the hallway, pausing when I saw her on the phone. She looked up when my shadow fell across the room, smiling and holding up one finger, before gesturing to the chair in front of her.

“Sounds good, talk to you soon,” she said with a smile, standing as she prepared to hang up the phone.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance