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I slipped my hand the rest of the way in her panties, cupping her softly as I ran my fingers along her seam. Wet heat greeted me, letting me know that she was just as ready as I was. I sucked the base of her neck, right at her collarbone, as I slipped the first finger inside. Her sigh of relief, followed by a deep moan, caused my brain to fog and my dick to throb uncomfortably against my jeans, which suddenly felt way too fucking tight.

I moved my mouth down, but when I reached her breast, I was unwilling to remove my hand, so as I added a second finger, pumping slowly in and out as she writhed beneath me, I used my teeth to pull back her bra. Once I had access to her firm pink nipple, I thrust out my tongue to hold the lacy fabric back, then suckled it into my mouth. I let Victoria fill my senses … The taste of her sweet nipple in my mouth, her tight slick pussy pulsing around my fingers, the smell of her spicy perfume, tangled with her aroused body, and the sounds of her panting … She was all around me. I was in fucking heaven, and I never wanted to leave.

I sucked and fingered her until her breath began to catch, then I brought my thumb to her clit, rubbing it swiftly until she fell apart beneath me. When she shouted, “Brock!” I was in danger of coming myself, so before she had a chance to come down off the high of her orgasm, I got up and gathered her in my arms.

I walked down the hallway, unsure of where I was going, but certain I could figure that shit out, when she lifted her head groggily and pointed toward the closed door at the end of the hall. The fact that she was still so out of it made me want to yell and beat my chest like a savage, and by the time I got close enough to see the door was partially open and kick it the rest of the way, I was almost beyond the ability to maintain control.

All that registered in my brain was the bed, which I laid Victoria on, then made quick work of getting her clothes fully off. She was finally coming out of her haze, helping me by unclasping her bra and lifting her hips so I could pull her panties down her long, toned legs.

Once she was naked, she surprised me by coming up on her knees and pulling my shirt over my head, then bringing her hands hastily to work on the button of my jeans. While she teased my cock with her eager hands, her lips came to my chest. She ran her tongue over one nipple, then the other, then practically undid me when she turned her head and rubbed her cheek along my chest. No longer wanting to play, I placed my hands on her shoulders and shoved her back a bit, giving myself enough space to rid myself of my jeans and boxers, swearing when I realized that I was still wearing my boots. I dropped my ass to the bed, bending to get the damn boots off as quickly as possible, when I felt Victoria’s tongue on my neck and soft breasts on my back.

“Fucking boots,” I muttered as I worked, smiling when I heard Victoria giggle behind me.

Once I was free and completely naked, I stood and turned, ready to bury myself inside Victoria, but was stopped when her hands spanned my hips, and she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth.

“Fuck, yeah,” I groaned as her tongue swept the underside of my dick. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to enjoy the moment, until felt my body begin to thrum with my impending release.

I placed my hand at the base of her ponytail and pulled her gently back, not wanting to hurt her, or my dick. When she brought those heavy lidded blue-violet eyes to m

ine, I said, “Need inside you, baby.” At my words she scurried back onto the bed, her long, lithe body flush and ready to be taken. I ran my nose gently up the length of her body, starting at her ankle, along her hipbone, up her stomach, to her chest, and stopping at the base of her chin. Her eyes were closed, lips parted, as she allowed herself to feel the sensations running through her.

I grabbed her wrists, tugging them slightly, encouraging her to move, and placed them up over her head. She opened her eyes slowly, drugged with passion, and watched as I brought her hands up to the slats of the headboard and showed her where she should hold on. Comprehension dawned, and she wrapped her fingers around them, getting a good grip.

“Hold on, Tori,” I said, lowering my mouth to hers, intensifying the kiss by nipping her lips and sucking them into my mouth, my hands wandering her body. I wanted to feel every inch of her, but I was at the point of no return and needed the release that her body offered.

I reached into the pocket of my jeans, pulling out a condom and ripping it open hastily. I sheathed my cock and lifted Victoria’s legs until they were bent at the knees, and she was spread open before me. She was a sight … Dark hair bound tightly, with the long tail covering the pillow. Her hands above her head, gripping the headboard in anticipation, as her desire-filled eyes watched my every move. Her body was bowed, and she stared, unabashed, as my hand gripped the base of my cock and I drove into her.

I stopped when I was fully seated, my balls slapping deliciously against her firm ass, wanting to memorize the feeling of being inside her. But when she moaned her own pleasure, my control snapped and I pulled back quickly, allowing the tip of my cock to pulse in and out, before driving back in. Victoria straightened her legs, bracing them against my chest, raising up her hips so that I filled her more deeply.

With the deeper angle, I felt my dick hitting her swollen g-spot with every thrust, and brought my hands to hold onto her hips when Victoria began to unravel. Her fingers were white from holding on tightly as she held her body raised and her legs straight, searching manically for her release. The raw strength of her body, and the look of amazement and pure satisfaction on her face as her orgasm rippled through her, coupled with the rippling and pulsing of her pussy around my cock as she came, ignited my own release, and I came hard and long, pumping quickly in and out of her as I milked our orgasms until there was nothing left. I collapsed, exhausted yet sated, careful not to hurt Victoria, but not yet ready to leave her slick heat.

I brought my lips to her neck, nuzzling and licking her gently, as I listened to our hearts gallop wildly in sync, and I thanked the yoga gods for the best sex of my life.

Chapter 12 ~ Victoria

I stretched slowly, seeing the bright evidence of sunlight behind my eyelids, but not ready to feel the intrusive light. The feelings of tenderness made me smile, as I remembered all of the reasons why I was sore. The satin of the sheets soothed my skin, and I realized that I was still naked. I’d never slept naked a day in my life. The thought made me smile wider.

I realized I was alone in the bed, so I forced my eyes to open, and surveyed the room.

Everything looked the same. My bedroom was still immaculate. Everything in its proper place, looking just as it did every other morning … but nothing was the same. I was different. No man had ever made me feel the way that Brock had last night. So cherished, yet so thoroughly ravished.

I eased my way out of bed, still feeling deliciously sleepy, and walked to my bureau to get one of my silk nightgowns. I slipped it over my head, then left the room to find Brock. As I entered the hallway, a spicy smell wafted through the air, so I followed my nose to the kitchen.

I stopped at the entryway, leaning against the door to stare at Brock, who hadn’t yet heard my approach. He was dressed in yesterday’s clothes, hair perfectly mussed, standing at my counter as he chopped something on the board in front of him. Something sizzled in the pan on the stovetop, and strains of Pearl Jam played in the background.

When he put the knife down and turned to add something to the frying pan, I tiptoed softly up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. I pressed my cheek to his back, closing my eyes as his hands came up to touch mine. He turned in my arms, and when my cheek rested on his chest, he brought his arms up to hold me close.

“Good morning,” he said, right before I felt his lips touch the crown of my head.

“Morning,” I murmured, snuggling in a bit to hold him closer. As I felt the cotton of his shirt, I flashed back to the feel of his naked chest beneath me. He had a smattering of chest hair, which, as it lowered, tapered down to a happy trail. I’d never been with a man with chest hair before. In fact, I knew some of my boyfriends had shaved their chests so they’d be hairless … But there was something about it that was so manly, so virile, that the feel of it had driven me wild.

The strangest part of all of it was that I wasn’t even embarrassed. Not by how turned on, and yes … vocal, I’d been the night before, but also by the fact that I was happy that Brock was still here this morning. There was something about him that put me at ease, and I knew, no matter what side of me was shown, that I wouldn’t be rejected.

“Tori,” Brock said softly, pulling me from my thoughts.


“I don’t want the food to burn.”

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance