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“Oh, Scott,” I decided it was time to change the subject, give them time to adjust to this new development in our relationships. “Brandt called me the other day. We have a meeting set up to talk about his new project. He said you recommended me to him. Thanks, man. It really means a lot.” I gestured to include my brothers. “To all of us.”

“Yeah, of course,” Scott replied, pulling himself up closer to the table. “Brandt is a really great guy, and he loves supporting local businesses. He’s a self-made man, and takes pride in working with others who’ve worked hard to become successful, so I knew O’Malley’s would be a perfect fit.”

“Well, thanks again,” I said again, really meaning it. Then I turned to the group. “Ready to get back to cards?”

It took a few minutes, but the atmosphere eventually got back to jovial, and even thought I lost by going all-in against Craig, it was a great night. There was nothing better than hanging out, shooting the shit, and playing cards with the guys.

Well, almost nothing, I thought as I remembered finding the thin lace of garters under Victoria’s skirt.

I was shoveling some of Brendan’s dip in my mouth when Craig came up next to me and said sheepishly, “Sorry about that.”

“No worries, man,” I assured him with a grin. “It’s the game.”

I was picking up one of the little sandwiches when he cleared his throat next to me and asked, “Um, Brock?”


“I was wondering … I’ve graduated, and I don’t start college for a couple months … I wanted to know if you needed any help. Like maybe you’re hiring?” He looked so nervous and hopeful that I wanted to give the kid a hug, but being a man, and raising two teenaged men myself, I didn’t want to be condescending, so I asked, “How old are you again?”


“Have you had a job before?”

Craig looked down at his shoes, then back at me.

“No, my time off has always gone to baseball, so I’ve never had the chance to work.”

“You don’t have baseball this summer?” I asked as I looked him over. Definitely a strong kid. Good height on him, and I knew he had a pleasant personality. It wouldn’t be a hardship to put him on a crew for the summer.

“I’ll be playing for college, and training doesn’t start until the fall. I’ll go to the cages and maybe some pick up games to stay in shape, but nothing intensive.”

I nodded and replied, “Okay. Stop by the office tomorrow, talk to either me or Brady; we’ll get you on a crew. Give you some hours.”

Craig’s face split into a grin, “Thanks, Brock. You won’t regret it.”

I smiled after him as he bounded out, probably to tell his brother, and maybe TJ, about his new job.

I was still smiling when I heard excited chatter coming from the dining room. I turned as Brady entered the kitchen and sauntered over to me.

“You keep this up and the unemployment agency is going to start referring everyone to you.” Brady’s eyes crinkled with mirth as I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

I chuckled and replied, “It’s the right thing to do.”

Brady looked at me quietly for a moment, then managed to make my heart swell with pleasure, while at the same time it contracted with pain, when he said, “You remind me of Dad. He loved helping people out.”

I tipped my head to him, not bothering to hide the fact that my eyes watered with emotion. My voice was gruff when I responded, “Yeah, I learned from the best.”

Brady clapped me on the shoulder with a grin, then headed back to play the game. As I watched him walk away, I glanced over to the large family picture we had hanging in the hallway off the kitchen, and paused to take in the smiling faces of my parents. Then I shook it off and followed my brother.

Chapter 10 – Victoria

Brock had texted me earlier to say he’d be over by six, and asked if he should pick up dinner. Although I was totally immersed in decorating his offices, I’d told him that I would cook … That was why, at five thirty, I was hastily whipping potatoes as the meatloaf was cooking in the oven. I’d taken the time to dress in capris slacks and a floral top, but my hair was slicked back into a ponytail, and my face held only light makeup. I’d gotten so caught up in looking at a catalog of beautiful, large wooden desks online, that time had slipped away from me.

The doorbell rang, causing me to turn a panicked eye toward the doorway. I leaned down to look through the window of the stove, then wiped my hand on a dishtowel and went to greet Brock at the door.

I stood there for a moment after I opened the door, taking him in. His hair was a little shorter on the sides, but still long on top, and tousled in a sexy way. I had the sudden urge to sink my hands in it. His beard was shorter, trimmed close to his face, and his stormy sea-green eyes watched me intently as I unabashedly looked him over. He had on jeans with a white T-shirt, a brown leather jacket thrown over it, with motorcycle boots completing the dangerously appealing package.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance