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“Gambled it all,” I stated, trying to tamp down the rage I felt just thinking about it. “All that hard work, gone, and for what? Absolutely nothing. The only good thing about it was that I finally opened my eyes and started to remember the woman I used to be, and I left.”

I laughed humorously.

“Of course, I wasn’t home five minutes before my parents demanded I go back to him. Luckily, even though I hadn’t treated her right, Jazzy was right there to pick me up when I needed it.”

“Of course she was,” Dillon said, giving me a squeeze. “You and Jazz have been best friends forever, and there’s nothing you could do to ever lose her. She’s the most loyal person I know.”

“She is the best,” I agreed, then felt my blood turn cold. “Although, I don’t think she’d be happy if she knew about this.”

I tapped his chest with my finger to drive home my point.

“She doesn’t have to know,” Dillon said quickly, and my heart sank at the knowledge that I was right. Jasmine wouldn’t be happy about Dillon and I sleeping together, and he knew it. And what he said next made my foolish heart crack right down the middle, “It’s just for the weekend, right … And, we’re both adults. We can be around each other without letting on what happened between us.”

“That’s true,” I managed, hoping he didn’t notice that my voice was somewhat strangled.

I was the one who came up with this plan, so I can’t be disappointed that after having a weekend with me, Dillon won’t throw our agreement out and ask me to be with him for real, right?

That’s what I was trying to convince myself of, but still, it hurt that he wasn’t as caught up in us as I was.

“I’m happy you have her, and that she was there when you needed someone,” Dillon said, and although I felt relief that he didn’t notice my sadness at his words, I found it frustrating that he was able to brush past it so quickly.

“Yeah,” was my unenthusiastic reply.

“That Travis guy was an asshole, and I hate to say it, but your parents are assholes, too. You’re an amazing person, Laurel. Sweet, smart, sexy as hell … and you deserve to be treated with respect and reverence.”

My heart swelled, the crack healed by his words, even as I wished fervently that I could keep him.

“Thanks, Dillon,” I replied softly.

My throat thickened when I felt his lips touch the top of my head.



It always felt great to come home.

I’d dropped Laurel off at her place, with a hug and a thank you for her companionship over the weekend, and everything else.

I felt good about where we were now. No longer childhood enemies, but grown adults who would hopefully be friends, although I had to admit, I’d miss the way she’d looked up at me when we were together. Like I was someone special.

Still, I was pleased that she’d made the bargain about our weekend together, then kept it without any drama or upset. Laurel really had meant it when she’d said there’d be no strings attached.

The only question was, why had it been so hard to leave her? I looked back into my rearview mirror, watching her get smaller as I drove away, and found myself wanting to turn around and go back.

Now, as I took my bag into my house, I let loose a happy sigh to be home.

A few years ago, I’d moved back into the house I’d grown up in. I’d always loved the large rooms, wraparound porch, and the feeling I always got when I walked inside. It was home, and luckily, I’d never have to leave.

When my parents had decided to downgrade and move into something more suitable for the two of them, and Jasmine had said there was no way she wanted to have to live in, and take care of, a house this size, and the land is sat on, I’d eagerly jumped at the chance to take it.

Sure, it was way too big for just one man, but I didn’t plan to be single forever. No, I’d always imagined filling these walls with the laughter of my children. To have a family grow here just as I had.

I’d never had a vision of who my wife would be, but now, I could picture coming home to Laurel every night. How great would that be?

Shaking that thought off, I looked around the clean and welcoming, country-style décor and felt completely content. Just then, the tell-tale sound of nails on wood hit my ears and I dropped my bags and crouched to the floor to greet the family that I’d already started.

I braced and grinned as Copper and Penny, my golden retrievers came bounding around the corner.

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance