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“Oh, a plumeria cake, it’s beautiful!” Cade’s mom exclaimed as she joined us.

She was carrying a plumeria flower in her hand, and when I turned to face her, she tucked it behind my left ear.

“In Hawaii, when you wear the plumeria over your right ear, it means you’re available, and when you’re taken, you wear it over your left,” she said as she stepped back and cupped my face with her palm. “You are now officially, and permanently, taken.”

“Thank you,” I said, then I looked at Cade and added, “He should get one too.”

“Not on your life,” was my husband’s response.


MY BELLY WAS full and I was grateful that the skirt of my dress was poufy enough to hide my food baby, and I was swaying to the music Ripper was playing as I nursed my glass of champagne.

“Congratulations,” Bran said as he came up and bent to kiss my cheek.

“Bran!” I cried happily. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

I’d missed him at the ceremony but understood that with things the way they were between him and Cade, he hadn’t felt totally comfortable being there for the wedding.

“Of course, I couldn’t let your big day pass without stopping by,” he said, his gaze flitting over the crowd before landing on Carmen, who was on the dance floor with Shannon and Amy May.

“She’ll be happy you’re here, too,” I said, tilting my head toward Carmen.

He nodded, then looked warily to where Cade was standing and talking to Chris.

“You know,” I began, “This is probably the best mood you’re ever going to find him in . . .”

Bran’s looked to me, startled.

“You mean . . . here? You want me to talk to Cade now? At his wedding?”

“I’m just saying, he’s very happy, and it will only take a minute. Plus, I think you’d be able to relax and enjoy yourself if you just got it off your chest . . . put it out there.”

“You don’t think it’ll piss him off, me bringing that up now?”

I shook my head.

“I really don’t.”

Bran took my champagne glass and downed it, then handed it back and said, “Now or never, right?”

“Right,” I agreed, then watched with my heart in my throat as he walked up to Cade.

Shit, I hope Cade doesn’t clock him.

Cade turned as Bran approached, and he didn’t scowl or anything, so I took that as a good sign. I saw Bran ask if he could talk to him, Cade motion to Chris that he’d be right back, then the two of them walk a couple of steps away.

Bran was almost as tall as Cade, but while Bran was built like a runner, Cade was built like a linebacker, making Bran look somehow small next to him.

I felt a twinge of guilt when a shadow crossed Cade’s face as Bran talked. Maybe I should have left things alone, or at least, not pushed Bran to bring up bad memories on Cade’s wedding day.

But, then Cade’s face cleared, he clapped Bran on the shoulder and nodded, said something, and then walked back toward Chris. Before he could get to him, his was waylaid by Slade, who looked like he had something serious to discuss.

Bran turned and grinned at me, gave me a small thumbs up, then went to join Carmen on the dance floor.

I was watching Slade’s lips, and saw him say, “Don’t worry about a thing, brother,” then he headed toward the bar and Cade went back to Chris.

I crossed to Cade and put my arms around him from behind.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance