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“Nothing, it’s just, Mrs. Wilkes didn’t call me, and I really wanted to meet them, and help out. I’m sure she thinks because Amy May’s a baker that she’d be more help.”

I was confused for a moment, then I waved my hand and said, “That’s because I didn’t give her your number.”

Carmen let out a little squeak of disbelief and asked, “Why not?”

I shrugged.

“I gave her Amy May, Bea, and Shannon’s numbers, but I didn’t think you liked cooking and stuff, so I didn’t give her yours. Plus, you’re working with me . . .”

Carmen crossed her arms and said, “I take directions well, and it’s not like we’re working twenty-four seven. I could at least go by and meet them, help and hang out a little bit.”

“You know what, I’ll give her your number tomorrow. I’m meeting them for breakfast,” I said, standing and crossing the room to gather my things.

“What are you doing?” Bran asked.

“Going to check out this address,” I replied, holding up my phone.

“Now?” he asked, looking at the clock.

Was he serious?

“That accident was weeks ago. Cade’s been going through God knows what. This is the best lead we’ve gotten so far, and I’m not waiting to follow it. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to, but I’m going.”

WE LOADED UP in the van and headed out.

Luckily, I’d only had one glass of wine, and my mind was completely clear and focused. This was it, I just knew it. This would be the lead that would take us to Cade.

Cade and I had been through a lot during the course of our relationship. Drug lords, my kidnapping and drugging, investigation of murderers, and we even took down a sex trafficking ring.

But, this was the first time I’d been on this side of things.

Usually, I was the one being drugged, beaten, or kidnapped, and Cade was the one who had to live through the worry and waiting and, eventually, the rescue.

Although none of the things that had happened to me had been fun, and I was in no hurry for any of it to happen again, it was better than being the one left behind in the dark. Not knowing what was happening to the person y

ou loved, or whether or not they were going to be okay, was pure torture.

Maybe we need to move or find a new line of work. This much danger can’t be normal.

“Sorry about that, back there,” Bran said from the backseat. “I just really wish you guys would pass the information you have on to Bea and the cops and let them handle it.”

“I know, and I understand your concern, but I can’t just sit back and wait.”

Carmen patted my hand, then took a deep breath and said, “I’m going to work with Lila full time.”

At first, I was confused. Why was she saying something we already knew, then Bran asked, “What?” and I realized he hadn’t known.

“I’m still going to write for the paper, and maintain my blog, but my focus will be on investigating with Lila,” she replied, her tone wavering a little, and I knew she was worried that Bran wouldn’t approve and her decision would affect their budding relationship.

“Oh,” he said softly, then sat back in his seat.

I could imagine that he was remembering the time Carmen was interviewing one of my suspects who turned out to be a murderer and we’d been afraid for her life. Although, in defense of my job, Carmen hadn’t been in that situation because she was working with me. She’d been there as a reporter interviewing the ex-boyfriend of the victim, so, it wasn’t my fault she was in danger.

I hoped he kept that in mind.

We drove the rest of the way in semi-awkward silence, while Bran processed this new information. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I grabbed my phone and linked my music streaming app to the radio and chose the nineties alternative station.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance