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“Is this Delilah Horton?” the woman on the other end asked again.

I swallowed and replied, “Yup, you got her.”

“Of Horton Investigations.”

“Yes,” I said, beginning to get annoyed.

I’d started off as an investigative photographer, after the picture I’d snapped of my ex with his face full of snatch had made its way around town. And, yes, it made its way around because I’d taped it up all over town.

Anywho, I’d started working for Moose, who was a private investigator. Unfortunately, during a crazy case with a Mexican drug cartel, Moose had been killed, and, to my surprise, had left all of his worldly goods to me.

His PI firm, his house, everything.

My fiancé, Cade, and I . . . Man, I get a buzz every time I realize Cade’s my fiancé . . . I digress. Cade and I had totally flipped the house and made it something that the kids and I were proud to call our own.

I felt awful about the way Moose died, and the fact that I was the closest person to him in his life, but I would be forever grateful to him for everything he’d given me. He’d taken on a bitter, divorced, single mother, and given me a purpose. A job I enjoyed and was actually good at.

“Are you listening to me? Hello . . .”

Oops. I stopped woolgathering and replied, “Sorry, can you repeat that.”

There was a sigh on the other end.

“My daughter is missing. The police say that because she is eighteen, they can’t do anything. But, she’s a senior in high school and hasn’t been home all week. They keep trying to tell me that she ran away, but I know my Misty, and she wouldn’t do that. I’d like to hire you to find her.”

I walked to my office and grabbed a pen.

“Tell me everything,” I said, then started writing as the distraught mother on the other end gave me her daughter’s description, names of her friends, and the last place she’d seen her. “Okay, ma’am, I’ll get right on it and let you know when I find her.”

“Thank you.”

I shoved the rest of the cupcake in my mouth, then sat down at the computer to do a little research, figuring it was best to start by looking at Misty’s social media.

My phone pinged again, this time signaling a text.

I’ll be a little late, want me to pick up grub?

I smiled at the picture I had saved as Cade’s contact photo. It was from our trip to Hawaii, and he’s wearing only board shorts. His long hair is falling around his shoulders, his body is tan, and he’s built like a badass.

Sounds good. I just caught a case, so I’ll probably be out late, too.

Anything I should know about?

I rolled my eyes.

Cade expected me to get into trouble every time I started a case, but that really only happened a couple times. Sure, the times that it did happen, I’d stumbled across some pretty scary dudes, but I was positive that wouldn’t be the case with this missing person.

At least, that’s what I’d tell Cade.

Nope, just a runaway. Easy peasy.

All right. Let me know if that changes. Later

My fiancé wasn’t the hearts and flowers type, but I was content with him feeding me and constantly giving me the D the way I liked it. We were pretty much a perfect match.

I’D PARKED IN a coveted spot along Main Street, and was walking, intent on Clarice’s Nail Salon, where a couple of Misty’s friends had posted they were getting pedis, when I looked up and saw the sign for Cynthia’s Coffee and Books.

Hmmm, maybe I need a coffee, I thought. And, it didn’t hurt that Clarice served up larger-than-life cupcakes. Shhhh, don’t tell Amy May.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance