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I strode around the corner and into the room, a large smile plastered on my face.

“Oh, hey, I didn’t know anyone else was in here. Are you guys using the table?”

They both looked at me. Stephen was scowling, but Steph looked relieved.

“No, we were just leaving,” Steph said, then looked at Stephen and said pointedly, “At least, I am.”

I stayed put while she left the room, then walked out after Stephen followed in a huff. When I saw her go out the front door and him return to the table, I went back to the bar to pay my check.

Relieved that, for once, I’d be able to report something positive to a client. I was happy to say, Mrs. Phillips was not cheating on her husband.

“OKAY, CAN I just get this out of the way so we can put it behind us and focus on Lila and finding the perfect gown?”

Everyone looked to Amy May, who’d gone to stand on the small stage in front of the mirror.

We were all sitting on the couches in the lounge area of the bridal shop, where, no kidding, they had champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries set out for us.

When Bea, Carmen, and I stopped talking and nodded, Amy May took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry. I know I completely overreacted about you guys being in Coffee and Books, and the way I stormed in there and started yelling was not only embarrassing, but ridiculous. Then, to make matters worse, I did what I always do, and I crawled into my shell to stew and ignored all of your calls and texts. So, I want you to know that I’m sorry, and that I reacted that way partly because of everything that’s going on in my life right now, and maybe, just maybe, I was also a teensy bit jealous.”

Carmen and Bea both stood up from the couches and went to hug Amy May.

We’d already had our moment, so I stayed seated and continued to enjoy my champagne while I watched them make up.

“What’s going on that’s stressing you out, hon? Is it the new storefront?” Carmen asked as she sat back down.

“Partially,” Amy May admitted, then took her seat and said, “The rest I’ll tell you guys later. Today is about Lila.”

“Wait, the rest?” I asked, latching on to what she’d said. “What rest? Did something happen with Cynthia?”

I looked to Bea and Carmen and explained, “She already went and apologized to Cynthia, who pulled her aside to ask her something.” I turned back to Amy May and asked, “So what happened with that?”

Amy May gave me an exasperated look, probably because she wanted the focus on me instead of her, but . . . too bad.

“Her baker got hired on somewhere else, so she asked me to start making the pastries for her shop. She’ll give me full credit, let me advertise the bakery, and said she’ll let all her clients know what I offer.”

“Wow, that’s great,” Bea said, leaning back with a grin.

Amy May nodded in agreement.

“And, the extra work is stressing you out?” Carmen pushed.

“No, not really. I have Jordan helping me out, plus the new staff for the storefront, so I don’t think we’ll have any issues with a little extra production.”

“So, something else is going on . . .” I prodded.

Amy May let out a sigh and said, “You guys aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

We all shook out heads.

“Fine. I’m pregnant. That’s why I’ve been short-tempered, tired, and sick.”

My eyeballs popped out of my head.

“What?” I screeched, jumping up and tackle hugging her on the couch.

“Don’t crush her,” Bea said.

“Let me in there,” I heard Carmen say behind me.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance