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I plotted out how to approach Carmen as I drove, my thoughts flitting to Cade and what he was doing, before I made myself stop thinking about it. He was a grown man, who got things done and lived like a badass. He was going to be fine.

As I walked into my house, the dogs came running to great me, and I may have given

Rufus an extra-long hug, because I knew he was missing Cade, too.

“Were you guys good?” I asked the dogs as I let Rufus go and gave CB a pet. “No accidents, didn’t tear shit up?”

I walked through the downstairs to make sure they hadn’t left me any surprises, we closed off the stairs with a baby gate when we were gone, then let the dogs out back to do their business.

I gave them each a treat for being good when I let them back in, then went to scour the cupboards to see what I had to offer Carmen for dinner.

“Shit, I need to go grocery shopping,” I muttered, then grabbed the phone and grabbed a coupon off the fridge for pizza delivery.

“HEY, GUYS,” CARMEN said as she walked into the kitchen.

“Hi, Carmen,” Lena replied.

“Hey,” Elin chimed.

Carmen looked great as usual, her long, caramel-colored hair falling down her back. She was dressed casually, in jeans and a blouse, with a long colorful kimono completing the outfit.

Rufus and CB pushed their heads into her hands in greeting, and Carmen laughed happily as she gave them each attention.

Suffice it to say, Carmen was a big hit in our house.

We’d only known each other for almost a year, much less time than I’d known Amy May and Bea, but her cheerful disposition, easygoing attitude, and sweet manner made her a welcome addition to our lives.

“I hope pizza’s okay,” I said, feeling guilty that I invited her over, then didn’t give her a home-cooked meal.

“Pizza’s always okay,” she said with a grin, crossing to give me a quick hug before pulling back and asking, “How can I help?”

“Uh, there’s not much . . .” I began.

“Can I set the table?” Carmen asked quickly, her words spilling over each other. “I love to set the table, but don’t really need to at home, since it’s just me. I usually just eat out of the carton, or bag, rather than make a fuss. I’ll do the dishes.”

I looked to the kids, who were looking at Carmen like she was cracked, but since Lena was on dish duty this week, she was quick to say, “Sure, I’ll show you where everything is.”

“Yay,” Carmen cheered, then followed Lena to the linen closet.

I looked at Carmen, her comment about eating alone every night causing a pain in my heart. It had been so long since I’d been a single woman with no kids, that I often took for granted, and even complained about the fact, that I was rarely alone. Sure, it was nice to get some alone time, to do what I wanted without having to worry about pleasing everyone else, but I wouldn’t want to be by myself all the time.

This was why I needed to convince her to give Bran another shot. He probably spent his evenings eating alone at the kitchen counter, too. Of course, he was probably eating salad, or baked chicken and steamed veggies, but still . . . it would be better if they were sharing their meals with each other.

I chuckled as Carmen laid out placemats and napkins, then set up the place settings. When she grabbed the vase of flowers off the entry table and placed them in the middle, I thought, Okay, I need to invite Carmen over more often.

“What do you want to drink, Lila? Wine? How about you guys?” she asked the kids.

“I’ll get the wine,” I offered. “You want?”

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll have milk.”

“Me, too.”

Carmen poured milk into glasses for the kids and I uncorked the wine for us.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance