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“No, darlin’.”

“What about the wedding? We’re getting married in a few weeks. There’s still planning to do, your family’s coming in . . . what about all that? What if you aren’t back in time?”

“I will be,” Cade said, trying to sound assuring. “You know I don’t give a shit about wedding stuff. Just be there and say, yes, that’s all I need.”

“Well, I need cake,” I pouted. “And my friends, and your family, and dammit, Pops is roasting a pig. I don’t know where to get a whole pig in Greenswood.”

Cade chuckled.

“Don’t worry, it’s handled,” Cade said, reaching out to cup my face. “Amy May’s got the cake covered, Slade’s taking care of the pig,” Slade was the VP of Cade’s MC, “and our friends and family are on lock. Don’t worry, I’m not letting you get away from me.”

“As if,” I said with a snort. I was more worried that Cade would try to find an opportunity to get away from me. I was the one with temperamental kids, a job that often got me in dangerous situations, and a crazy cupcake habit.

“Hey,” Cade called softly, and I looked up into his deep, dark gaze. “I’ll be back on time. I promise.”

Since Cade didn’t throw around promises, I nodded and took him at his word, even though it sucked he was leaving.

“I’m going to miss you,” I said, falling into his arms. “Will you text me?”


I burrowed into his chest.

“Well, don’t be surprised if I eat so many cupcakes while you’re gone I won’t be able to find a dress that fits.”

“Let’s get married naked,” Cade suggested.

I pulled back and looked up at him in horror.

“Ma and Pops would be all for it,” he said with a chuckle.

Oh, God, they totally would.

“Quit messing with me and give me a kiss,” I said.

He complied so well, that it wasn’t until a couple hours later that we finally got some sleep.

CADE HAD ALREADY been gone for a few days, and I missed him like crazy.

Since we were having a small wedding at Cade’s cabin, with only our friends and family, and Cade’s club, in attendance, everything was pretty much on track. We weren’t having a caterer, because Cade’s parents insisted on making the food. We were having a huge Hawaiian-style barbecue, which Cade’s mom assured me she, Alani, and Pops could handle. Of course, Amy May, Carmen, Bea, and Shannon offered to help in any way they could as well.

Cade’s buddies Jun, Chris, and Ripper were coming in from Hawaii as well, and since Ripper used to DJ around the island, he’d offered to take care of the music.

Amy May, of course, was handling the cake. I’d given her free reign. Told her to surprise me. I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.

All that was really left was to find the perfect dress, and I had an appointment this weekend at the local bridal shop. Amy May was my Maid of Honor and Chris was Cade’s Best Man. We would also have Elin and Elena standing up with us, and that was it.

Simple. Just the way we both wanted it.

There was one thing I needed to do to prepare, however, and it was what I dreaded the most . . . I let out a sigh as I opened the door to the gym, glaring at the exercise equipment before me.

“Lila,” I heard someone call as I weaved through the equipment. I looked left to see Branson Braswell walking toward me, wiping a towel over his face.

The man lived in the gym, and it showed in his long, toned body.

“Hey, Bran, long time,” I said happily. I’d wondered if he’d be here. He was a lawyer in town, but I knew he hit the gym every day. Sometimes more than once.

In the past, he’d taught me some self-defense moves, and Carmen had joined in. That’s when I’d seen sparks fly between them, and although I’d been sure they were perfect together, they’d only had one awkward date.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance