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“I swear if that beeping doesn’t stop I’m going to rip the plug out of the wall.”

I’d been in the hospital for what felt like days, but was actually only hours, and still I was ready to lose my mind.

I hated hospitals. Only went to them when I absolutely had to … Namely, when I gave birth to my children, and after being kidnapped by drug lords.

Still, I was ready to get out of this sterile room with its incessant beeping, out of this flimsy gown that barely covered my ass, and away from the prying fingers and sad eyes of everyone who entered my room.

“Just a little while longer,” Cade said, trying to hide his small smile unsuccessfully, which only increased my bad mood. “They want to make sure all of that shit is out of your system.”

I sighed, frustrated but resigned.

“I know … I’m just ready to go. I need a shower, my pajamas, and a very, very large glass of wine.”

I kne

w I sounded bitchy, but holding on to my anger and frustration was the only thing keeping me from falling apart. I was doing my best to focus on that, and keep the memories of what I’d been through, what I’d done, at bay.

“Lila,” Cade murmured, pulling me out of my head. “I still want you to come to my place. At least for a few days … Until you’re back on your feet.”

I was about to answer when the door burst open and my twins came dashing in, hurtling themselves onto my bed.

Eric walked in behind them, and I watched wordlessly as Cade slipped out, lifting his chin at Eric as he passed him.

Eric turned, eyes on Cade as the door closed behind him, before rotating back to me and the kids.

“You okay?” he asked, coming to stand next to the bed while our kids did their best to fuse themselves next to me.

“Yeah,” I lied, not wanting to scare Elena and Elin.

“Okay, guys, you know the nurse said you could only come in for a minute,” Eric said.

“What?” I asked, trying to get my arms around my babies, but without wrapping all of my IVs around them.

“Sorry, Lila, they aren’t even supposed to be allowed on this floor, but Bea pulled in a favor.”

“When can we come home?” Elena asked as her dad shifted her off the bed.

“I need you to stay with your dad a couple more days, okay, sweetheart? Then we’ll all be back together.”

Neither of my children looked happy at this news, but they didn’t whine or complain, they just let their father lead them out after giving me kisses and telling me they loved me.

Elin threw one last look over his shoulder and waved, then they were gone.

The very thin line I had on my control was threatening to snap, when the door opened again and Amy May came in. She was carrying an oversized purse and wearing sunglasses, and the way she was acting made me laugh in a time when I didn’t think I’d be able to.

“What the heck are you up to, girl?” I asked with a chuckle.

Amy May sidled up to the bed and slid her hand inside her purse, then leaned down and whispered as she tried to covertly hand me a cupcake.

“Salted caramel,” she whispered, then hurried back to the door to keep lookout.

“Oh my God! I love you,” I cried, then without wasting any time, I ate that cupcake like someone was about to take it from me. Because, seriously, if the nurse had come in and caught me, she would have.

Once I was licking the last bit of gooey deliciousness from my fingers, I looked at my best friend and said, “You’re a goddess.”

Amy May gave me a shaky smile and I demanded, “No, don’t do it. You just made me feel good for the first time in twenty-four hours, please don’t ruin it.”


Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance