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I loved my best friend. Loved him like a fucking brother. I owed him everything. I couldn’t ruin our foundation or keep stabbing him in the back like this. Our friendship was too strong and our bond ran way too deep, and at the end of the day, Kandy was still his little girl—a sweet, young, beautiful girl who, one day, would get over me. I had no idea how I was going to move past her, especially when the future meant seeing her over and over again, but there would be no choice.

She was going to school. The distance would separate us and she’d eventually find a guy her age.

I would continue building Tempt, work my ass off, travel, and stay on top of my empire. I’d worked so hard for my company. I couldn’t let it collapse after everything I’d been through. Kandy was a distraction, but in just days she’d be gone and Tempt would still be here.

I loved Kandy to death, but I couldn’t let my love for her—or my lust for her body—stop me from achieving my goals. Eventually, we were going to have to let this shit go, no matter how hard it would be in the end.



I woke up the next morning feeling like a different woman.

I was sore down below, but it was a sweet soreness—the kind of achiness that came with fractions of bliss and satisfaction. I wanted to cling to this feeling forever.

I rolled out of bed with a smile. I couldn’t fight it, no matter how hard I tried. I freshened up, tied my hair up in a top bun, and changed into a blue maxi dress.

I checked my phone and there was a missed call from Mom. She’d paid for long distance so she could check in with me. I knew she’d worry if I didn’t call back, seeing as I refused to answer the phone yesterday, so I sat on the bench in front of the bed and dialed her.

“Hi, sweetie!” she chimed after answering.

“Hey, Mom.” I smiled, realizing how much I actually missed her voice. “How’s Paris?”

“Oh, honey. It is a dream. Your dad and I are about to go have dinner at a restaurant with a view of the Eiffel Tower.”

“What? I’m jealous! That sounds amazing!”

“Hey, sweet cheeks!” Dad yelled in the background.

I giggled, and though he couldn’t hear me, I said. “Hi, Dad.”

“I wanted to call and check in, but I also wanted to tell you to be on the lookout for a package. It should be arriving sometime between today and Monday.” She blew a breath, as if she were exasperated. “This whole thing with work.”

“Work? What happened?”

“Well, my boss did something that wasn’t very pleasant or respectful. I’m starting a case to get out of my contract early at the firm. He was a bit too pushy with me several days ago.”

“No—I believe what you’re trying to say is he’s an asshole!” Dad yelled distantly. “He tried to come onto your mother. He tried to kiss her! He’s lucky she calmed me down!”

I gasped. “What? That jerk!”

Mom let out a sigh. “I know. Your dad could see right through him. I could tell he was being flirty, but I didn’t think he’d actually be that bold. I mean, the man has a wife! He’s insane!”

“So does this mean you’ll have to find another job?” I asked, worried. Mom loved her job. Dad and I always told her she should have just opened up her own firm. She always said she wasn’t ready to do that yet.

“Well, that’s the good part of all of this. Cane said he knows someone who is willing to give me a position at their firm as soon as everything is settled. It’s a much bigger firm too! Highly respected and recommended.”

“Aww, that’s great!” It really was great to know that. It was a good thing Cane was in our lives. He always knew how to help.

“Well, we’re about to go. Make sure you keep an eye out for the package, okay, honey? I miss you so much!”

“I miss you more!”

She made a kissing noise, said “Bye,” and then the call ended.

I smiled down at my phone for a moment, and then looked all around me.

I wasn’t home. I was in a place I shouldn’t have been, and the guilt gnawed at me, inside and out. I wasn’t going to let that bring me down though. I had to enjoy the next twenty-four hours with Cane and cherish every golden, luxurious moment.

With that thought in mind, I left the bedroom, walking barefoot down the hallway and the staircase.

Music was playing from somewhere, and I instantly recognized the voice. Childish Gambino. Frankie loved him, and after listening to him stream out of her speakers, his soulful voice grew on me, so much so that his songs filled every playlist I had. Knowing Cane actually liked him too made me realize that maybe we weren’t so different after all.

Tags: Shanora Williams Cane Billionaire Romance