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I sighed. They were all incorrigible. "Mom, I'm not worked up. I just meant to say I went out with him and he's not gay." I was doing a horrible job of thinking before I spoke. The words came out before I could stop them. Seriously, I needed to cut out my tongue.

Suddenly no one had anything to say. They all looked more shocked than anything. It wasn't that farfetched of an idea that I had a date. Maybe in their eyes Alec was out of my ballpark or something, but they didn't have to look like I'd just told them I was carrying Satan's baby. "I have to use the bathroom," I said, walking away before they could say another word.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I sighed with relief when I twisted the lock and heard it engage. The downstairs bathroom was only a half bath with a pedestal sink and a toilet, but it felt like a luxurious sanctuary after the barracuda's nest I had just left. I knew they would pounce on me the moment I opened the door, but for now I was safe.

Gripping the cold porcelain of the sink, I glanced in the mirror and nearly startled myself at the almost wild look in my eyes. No wonder they had all been eyeing me like I'd gone off the deep end. I was being utterly ridiculous. I needed to get over Alec. Just because he was on my new cover didn't mean I'd have to see him again. I'd also tell Olivia not to use him on any of my covers in the future. She'd understand.

When I resurfaced from the bathroom I didn't get the full-blown inquisition I had been expecting. I didn't know if I should have felt insulted or relieved. Maybe Mom and Dad had told my brothers to lay off. Whatever the reason, no one uttered another word about Alec. Instead, the conversation shifted to the Rays game that was about to start. We sat in front of the TV eating pizza like every other Sunday.

Chapter Eight

"Don't be mad."

Nothing good ever came from those words. Truthfully, their use together should be stricken from the English language.

I paused the show I had been binge watching. Anytime I finished a book I allowed myself an entire day of mindless TV. I'd watch an entire season of one of my favorite shows without any guilt. This time I picked one of my favorite shows on HGTV and I didn't want to miss it. I shifted my phone to my other ear. "What did you do?" I asked Olivia.

"First, you need to remember that I always have your best interests at heart. You know I'm your biggest cheerleader when it comes to your victories and milestones. I want nothing more than N.S. Blake to be a household name. I feel your brand is the most important thing at the moment and that we should be working aggressively to build it." Her words poured out like a tidal wave.

"What did you do?" I repeated.

"Fine. It's no big deal anyway. I answered one of the emails that you haven't gotten a chance to get to yet."

I waited. So far she wasn't confessing to anything she hadn't done before. Olivia not only helped with my covers, but she also acted as an assistant when she knew I was deep in my writing cave. She helped me answer emails and keep my schedule organized.

When I didn't speak, she continued. "Anyway, Indie Booklicious Con wanted to know if you would participate in their Cover-Extravaganza. Naturally, it seemed like a great idea. I know that you wanted to get the word out for Wicked Lovely, so I figured it was a win-win situation."

Her words sounded reasonable. I couldn't argue with anything she had said, and yet, the way she acted it didn't take an Einstein to know there was a boom on the way. It had to be a doozy the way she was buttering me up.

"So, I told them you would absolutely like to participate this weekend at the signing, and that you would be happy to bring your cover model with you." She spoke quickly, like she felt if she got the words out fast enough I wouldn't have time to object.

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. There was no way that my best friend, who I loved, who I trusted above anyone else, would do this to me again. Especially after I basically told her I would rather poke my eyes out with a rusty fork than see Alec again.

"What are you telling me, Liv?" I rubbed my temple to ease the sudden headache that had popped up.

"I'm sorry, Nic, but I honestly feel it's the best thing for you at the moment. We both know from your last book event in Chicago that bringing your cover model with you has become popular. Readers like taking pictures with them. It makes them feel like they're getting a chance to actually step into your pages."

I closed my eyes in resignation. I knew she was right. We had even talked about it after the Chicago signing. It was a great marketing advantage and definitely attracted attention at signings. Up to this point I had shied away from bringing attention to myself at events. Talking to new people was something I was still getting used to. I envied my writer friends who were naturally outgoing at the signings. They interacted and engaged their readers in a way I hadn't done yet. Making it through one signing with Alec could help change that.

"Nicole?" Olivia said my name cautiously, waiting for me to bite her head off.

"Okay," I answered, giving in.

"Okay?" She squealed jubilantly.

"Yes, okay. I'm not going to say I'm crazy about the idea, but I know if I want this new book to make its way into the hands of new readers, I need to step outside my comfort zone. I feel like I'm being thrown into the deep end of the pool with Alec, but I'm sure I'll survive. And hey, if I don't, you'll get all my stuff. Just make sure Severus is taken care of."

"It's a good thing you're not being dramatic or anything," she said dryly. "So, if it's settled and you're not going to kill me, I'll set it up with Alec. I'm sure he'll jump at the chance for more exposure and to—" Her words stopped as she remembered who she was talking to.

"That's fine, Liv. Just make sure you lay down the ground rules."

"Ground rules?"

"Yes, like no fondling the women during the signing, and no going home with anyone." I'm sure my rules sounded ludicrous. It wasn't like I could dictate who Alec could and couldn't flirt with, let alone who he slept with.

"Uh, Nicole. I think Alec knows the boundaries of being professional."

"Fine. I just want to make sure he understands we're promoting my book. Not finding him a date," I snapped, taking out my aggravation on her. I ended the call abruptly before I could say anything else stupid.

Tags: Tiffany King Write Stuff Romance