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"Is this okay?" His breath tickled the inside of my ear.

I merely nodded, not wanting to take the chance that my tongue would refuse to cooperate. This was more than okay. This was exactly where I wanted to be.

"Are you coming out to the shoot tomorrow?" Alec asked, distracting me from my runaway thoughts.

"I'm not sure." Normally I stayed away from Olivia's photo shoots unless she asked me to be there. Creatively, we both had different styles, and I had grudgingly learned that Olivia's eye for good covers surpassed mine. Occasionally, like yesterday, she would get me to come by to approve something, but beyond that, I trusted her judgment.

"That's too bad. It would have been nice to see you again," Alec said, lacing his fingers through my left hand and placing them on his thigh.

If it were possible for a person to spontaneously combust, it would have happened to me the moment my hand touched his leg. "Are you going somewhere now?" I worked to maintain my composure, splaying out my fingers to feel the muscles beneath his jeans.

"Not unless you want me to leave," he murmured, tracing his fingers over the back of my hand.

"Good, then stay," I said bravely. Olivia was right. All the signs were pointing in the right direction. Unless I was completely misreading things, tonight could be the night if I wanted it to be.

"Would you like to dance?" He stood from the booth and extended his hand.

I looked warily at the dance floor. Everyone seemed to move effortlessly in sync with the music. I learned early in life that I was rhythmically challenged. When I was six my short stint in ballet ended when Mom and Dad figured out I had no balance. After that, they put me in jazz/tap classes, which also came to a screeching halt when my instructor informed them that I must be tone deaf. She claimed I couldn't find the beat if my life depended on it. I really wasn't devastated since I preferred to spend my spare time reading anyway. Zachary and Tony, who had been blessed with natural athletic ability, still liked to tease me mercilessly about how uncoordinated I was anytime the opportunity arose.

Despite my lack of dancing prowess, I didn't want to reject Alec's invitation. I felt I should warn him though. At least so he would know his toes were in danger. I needed a warning label on my forehead that read: May cause bodily harm when dancing within close proximity.

Luckily for me, the dancing gods must have been on my side since the music transitioned from a heart-pounding beat to something much slower. Ironically, it was the same song by A Great Big World that I used as a ringtone. It had to be a sign. The way things were going I seemed to have every cosmic force in the universe helping me.

Alec led us to the dance floor, pulling me gracefully into his arms with his hands on my waist. Strangely, it didn't feel nearly as uncomfortable as sitting in the booth stumbling through awkward conversation. Maybe the music combined with the soft lighting made it easier to ignore my insecurities. Whatever the reason, I felt at ease enough to loop my arms around his neck. The movement brought me against his chest where I laid my head. I could feel the gentle beating of his heart as he hugged me tightly, bringing my entire body flush with his. Our bodies fit like they were made to go together. We barely moved. The desire-laced impulses I had been fighting were clearly not one-sided. His hardened body practically spoke to me, starting from my toes until it crept into my head, bringing images of what we could do together. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Curiously, I tilted my head up, meeting the hooded look in his eyes with mine. It didn't take a genius to know what the look meant. Even a virgin like me knew. I had written about it many times. It was a look of passion and need.

We weren't dancing as much as we just stood swaying together. Even after the music transitioned back to a fast-tempo club beat we remained in each other's arms as other dancers let loose around us. I allowed my hands to slide down his shoulders to explore his body. His tight shirt did little to hide the reaction of his nipple as I traced my finger around his pecs. It felt justified after my own unfortunate experience on the beach. His stance shifted slightly, but I had already felt the evidence of my exploration pressed against me.

We both seemed to forget the crowd around us. Alec's hands moved from my back down to my ass where he gripped tightly and pulled me against him. If not for the music, my pleasure-filled moan would have been heard throughout the room. I nearly fell to my knees when he placed his lips on my neck, running his tongue up to my earlobe. I couldn't imagine what Olivia had to be thinking, but I also didn't care. The only thing separating Alec and me was a thin layer of clothing that I wanted to tear off at that moment. Every part of my body was his. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything.

I lost track of how many songs had played. It felt like we were in our own bubble—like submerging yourself into a warm bath, but a million times more stimulating. My entire body hummed.

Alec breathed into my ear. "Do you want to get out of here?" He could have said, "Drop to the floor right here" for all I cared. I would have taken either. I eagerly nodded my consent.

We zigzagged quickly through the crowded dance floor like we were on a mission. I needed my purse, but also wanted to let Olivia know I was leaving. She approved, of course. Taylor and Alec fist-bumped as Olivia and I hugged goodbye. "Text me later," she whispered in my ear. She then turned her attention to Alec. "Hey, take care of my girl."

"I'm sure he will," I answered for him without thinking. Taylor laughed until Olivia slugged him in the arm. How I managed to keep finding ways to embarrass myself was mind boggling. The comment sounded different in my head. Considering how hot my cheeks felt, my face had to be as red as a tomato.

Alec laughed it off. "Don't worry. She's in good hands. I'll see you tomorrow at the shoot." He shot Olivia a wave before placing his hand on the small of my back to lead me out.

Alec said a few goodbyes to some coworkers along the way, but eventually we made it outside the noisy club and reached his small hatchback in the employee parking lot behind the building. For some reason, I'd assumed he would drive something large to accommodate his tall frame. Not that it mattered.

He chuckled when he saw my expression. "Has this changed your whole image of me?"

"Huh, no. I mean, you're—you know, bigger. And your car is smaller." I shook my head, wishing I would stop sounding like an idiot when I spoke to him. "It's fine. I swear. You know how sometimes you can have preconceived notions about a person and then when you see it's different from what you imagined it catches you off guard? That's all."

"You mean when a guy like me who should be driving a lifted Ford Super Duty truck opens the door of his Focus instead?"

"I'm sorry. I know I was being stupid." I lowered my head again, feeling like I had ruined the mood.

"Hey, wait. Don't get upset. I'm agreeing with you. Actually, I think it's funny as hell, but the fact of the matter is I'm a poor college student and this baby gets forty miles to the gallon."

"How do you even fit?" I folded my body easily into the passenger side, but I was tiny in stature compared to him. I noticed the driver's seat was moved as far back as it would go, leaving no room in the backseat.

"Carefully," he said, backing into the seat while he ducked his head inside the car before swinging his legs in last. "See. Nice and snug."

"Yep. Like a glove." I had to snicker a little. "Good thing no one else is riding with us."

"That's why I got the hatchback. Just fold the seat down and they can lay back there." He looked dead serious. I was on the verge of questioning his scenario before the corners of his mouth quirked into a smile.

Tags: Tiffany King Write Stuff Romance