Page 40 of Office Hate

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The vision of her riding me, of her mouth parted, her body arched to take me in, was more than my tiny brain could handle, and when she raked her nails down my chest, I exploded.

Thankful that she was right with me, always right with me, wasn’t she?

Both of us out of breath, she fell against me, her hair tickling my chin. “Are we going to get fired?”

“Nah, I’m your boss. Fuck me anytime you want. Really, I’m available morning, noon, night, holidays, especially my birthday—”

She kissed me again.

And then, of course, another knock sounded.

We both groaned and quickly put our clothes back together.

When she opened the door, it was another bottle, this time it was champagne.

“What’s going on?” She pulled off a sticky note that read,” Open the envelope, idiots.”

“Max,” we both said and then sighed.

I grabbed the envelope, took a deep breath, and dumped out the contents. Inside were two keys and a note.

“What’s it say?”

I started reading in disbelief and then laughed.

“What? What is it!” she yelled, smacking me in the arm.

Some things never changed; they should, but they didn’t. I rubbed the sore spot.

“Dear Interns.” I laughed again. “I knew you could do it. You see, sometimes it takes a few years for love to mature, like the fine wine I sent earlier, and other times all it takes is the place you fell for each other and suffered together to make you realize how much you’ve been suffering on your own. Please accept this penthouse as another bonus for doing such an excellent job. Oh, and if you could please hand out the matchmaking cards attached to this note, that would be great; I see great things for my future. Oh, and bonus, I’m ordained, so you know who to call when you get married, and Mark, I already picked out a ring, I know what she likes. That was creepier than I intended. I just love my employees and want what’s best for them. Yes, I’m eccentric. But I also know people. And you two were meant to be. Report to work in two weeks; consider this an early honeymoon. Oh, and PS, you’re the new bitches in charge of the Emory Games. We start next month, YAY!”

We both groaned and then realized what he’d actually done and told us.

“Wait.” Olivia started pacing. “He not only knew everything but was patient enough to pull all of this off and knew he could?”

“I need to sit.” I pulled out a chair and stared at her, then the note, then her. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, he’s an evil genius.”

“I would vote him into office,” Olivia agreed, shaking her head. “I mean, we’d probably all die after giving him a big red button, but still.”

“Huh.” I dropped the note, then looked at her, really looked at her. “I’m thankful for him, just don’t ever tell him, or I’ll deny it till the day I die.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Me too.”

“Still hate you, though.” I winked.

“Same.” She laughed, then launched herself into my arms and whispered in my ear, teasing it with her tongue. “So what do you think about trying out that bathroom again and—”

I picked her up and ran.

And did exactly as Max said.

Used the next two weeks familiarizing myself with my soon-to-be wife.

And the new penthouse that had always somehow been… ours.

Confessional Number 3


“And that’s why I’m the best,” I said to Rick as I sat back and turned off the cameras to the penthouse after they ripped each other’s clothes off. “I’m not just a hotelier; I’m a guru of love. I saw the sparks, turned them into seeds, then I fed them and watched them grow!”

Rick nodded slowly. “Wise words, wise words. Since the matchmaking part of the intern program was a wild success, do you have any plans to continue it?”

“Do pigs fly?” I laughed.

“Um, no, no, they don’t.”

“Well, I do, in my own private jet, so yeah, I’m gonna torture another couple. Did you see the ratings around the company? It’s our best-kept secret, everyone’s favorite time of year. I’m their version of Christmas, Rick, so I gotta give the people what they want. Besides, I have my eye on a few candidates.” I rubbed my hands together. “I do God’s work, Rick. Never forget that. In fact, tattoo it on your ass.”

“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious, sir, and—“

“Not a joke, Rick. Get that tattoo, or you’re fired.”

“Right away, sir. By the way, how’s Dustin?”

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken Romance