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“And why’s that?” she couldn’t help but wonder.

“Because you’re pitching next year,” Sebastian said, shrugging it off like it was a done deal, which of course, it wasn’t.

It also made her wonder about something…

“Sebastian, what will you do if I don’t get in, but you do?” Mikey asked, watching him as she waited for an answer that she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like.

There was a telling pause and then, he sighed, “I’ll keep trying to get the public high school to give me a chance.”

Nodding, Mikey murmured, “I see,” as she reached for the pillow to either smother him with it or to beat some sense into him, she hadn’t decided which yet.

Before Sebastian could react, she grabbed the pillow and began a brutal attack that he would never forget! When she was done with him, he’d stop doing stuff that pissed her off and–

“What are you doing?” came the bored question that had her glaring down at the boy that needed to stop worrying about her and start worrying about himself!

“Beating some sense into you!” Mikey snapped as she continued her vicious pillow attack.

“Really?” Sebastian asked, sounding amused as he reached up and plucked the pillow out of her hands.

“Really!” Mikey bit out as she tried to grab the pillow back so that she could slap some sense into him.

“So, I have a question,” Jonathan said, just as Mikey gave up trying to steal his pillow back and eyed the one on Jonathan’s bed across the room. “Where did you go with Mrs. Blaine today?”

“How do you know about that?” Sebastian asked, shooting his brother a questioning look.

“I know all,” Jonathan said in an ominous voice that had Mikey rolling her eyes as she snatched the pillow from Sebastian and–

“Why must love hurt?” Jonathan mumbled with a heartfelt sigh as he tossed the pillow that had slammed him in the face only seconds earlier, aside.

“It will hurt worse if you don’t start talking,” Mikey said, already reaching for the pillow again.

“Fine,” Jonathan sighed, making sure to sound put out as he grabbed the pillow before she could get her hands on it and shoved it behind his head as he settled in more comfortably. “Joshua saw you pushing Mrs. Blaine toward the baseball fields after school.”

“She wanted to talk to me about something,” Sebastian said, shrugging it off as Mikey sat there, unable to help but frown.

“Doesn’t she normally glare at you?” Mikey pointed out.

Sebastian opened his mouth to answer her only to frown when Jonathan said, “She’s been asking about you again.”

“Again?” they both asked, zeroing in on that one word.

Reaching over, Jonathan plucked the iPad out of his brother’s hands with a shrug. “She’s always asking about you.”

“Since when?” Sebastian asked, unable to help but frown.

“She’s always asking Mom and Dad how you’re doing, what you’re studying, if you want to go back to school, what your plans are after high school,” Jonathan said before adding with a shrug, “the usual.”

“Why does she care if he wants to go back to school?” Mikey asked only to notice the way that Sebastian was frowning.

“What is it?” Mikey asked, shifting to get more comfortable next to him.

“She asked why I haven’t applied to Latin Scribe,” he admitted on a sigh.

“Mom and Dad would be pissed if they found out that she was offering to pay for your tuition,” Jonathan said with a snort of disbelief.

“She didn’t offer to pay for my tuition. She just asked me a question,” Sebastian pointed out.

“Are you sure?” Jonathan asked, sending his brother a questioning look.

Tags: R.L. Mathewson Neighbor from Hell (YA) Romance