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“What are you doing?”

“You mean besides wondering why you keep staring at me?” Mikey asked as she forced herself to turn the page, destroying another part of her soul in the process.

“Besides that,” Jonathan said as he leaned over the back of the couch to see what she was doing.

“I’m trying to finish this book,” Mikey said even as she debated skipping to the end to find out how the book ended so that she could write the book report and just get it over with, but she couldn’t risk it.

“That doesn’t explain why you’ve been sitting in here for the past hour or why Sebastian is glaring at you,” he pointed out.

“Doesn’t it though?” Mikey asked with a sad shake of her head as she risked a glance at the boy that wasn’t talking to her, to find him sitting next to her, seething.

For a moment, she considered pointing out that she hadn’t actually broken her promise only to rethink that idea when Sebastian narrowed his eyes on her. Deciding that perhaps it would be best to take a break, she closed the book only to sigh and open it again when Sebastian bit out, “Keep reading.”

“So, back to us,” Jonathan said, making her sigh once again.

“There is no us,” Mikey reminded him as she found where she’d left off and forced herself to keep reading.

“There could be,” Jonathan said, releasing a tragic sigh and if she thought for one second that he was serious, she wouldn’t have reached up and–

“Ow! Why must you fight our love?” he asked as he rubbed the spot on his arm where she’d been forced to flick him.

“Because you’re only trying to torment your brother,” Mikey mumbled absently as she finished the page.

“This is true,” Jonathan murmured in agreement only to grunt in pain when Sebastian reached up and flicked his other arm.

“Leave her alone,” Sebastian said, shifting to get more comfortable next to her.

“I would. I really would, but then Mom would kill me,” Jonathan said with a sad shake of his head as he walked around the couch and dropped down on the cushion next to Mikey.

“And why’s that?” Sebastian asked, shifting his glare from her, which she truly appreciated, to his brother.

“Because we’re supposed to go to Uncle Jason’s and Aunt Haley’s house for a party,” Jonathan said, making her frown because she didn’t remember anyone mentioning a party.

“Cole’s birthday isn’t for a month,” Sebastian pointed out, absently gesturing for her to keep reading.

“It’s not for Cole’s birthday,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh as he laid his head on Mikey’s shoulder.

“Then what’s it for?” Mikey asked, reaching over to push him away, but he simply ignored her and settled in more comfortably with a satisfied sigh.

“Aunt Haley’s family,” Jonathan said, making them both frown because that couldn’t be right.

Aunt Haley’s family cut her off when she married Uncle Jason and as far as Mikey knew, they hadn’t talked to her since. She wasn’t sure about all the details, but from what she understood, they hadn’t had much to do with Aunt Haley to begin with, but when she married Uncle Jason, they’d decided to cut her off. They were rich snobs who hadn’t been willing to give Uncle Jason a chance for Haley’s sake. As far as Mikey was concerned, it was their loss. Uncle Jason was probably one of the nicest people she knew. He was also funny, hardworking, and he absolutely adored Aunt Haley and their children.

“What are you talking about?” Sebastian asked as he reached over and shoved Jonathan away from her.

“Aunt Haley’s father contacted her out of the blue, giving her some lame story about how much he regretted pushing her away and how much he missed her. He wanted to meet his grandchildren and spend more time with her and a bunch of other crap that means that we get to go spend the day at Uncle Jason’s house,” Jonathan said, shrugging it off as he snuggled closer to her side as she sat there, considering what he said and…

“You like to eavesdrop, don’t you?” Mikey asked, unable to help but notice that he always knew everything first.

“It’s my passion,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh as a thought occurred to her.

She glanced over at him to find him looking adoringly at her and asked, “You don’t eavesdrop on my conversations, do you?”

“Only the good ones,” Jonathan said, nodding solemnly.

With a murmured, “I see,” Mikey stood up and tossed her book on the couch before she grabbed a pillow.

“What’s that pillow for?” Jonathan asked, blinking innocently up at Mikey as she adjusted her hold on the pillow.

Tags: R.L. Mathewson Neighbor from Hell (YA) Romance