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“Home?” she whispers the word, as if she dare not say it out aloud. As if it is too precious an idea to even say aloud in case she hexes it.

I put my hand on the small of her back and led her towards the steps of the courthouse. “Yes, home. I’m moving you into my place.”

She shakes her head slowly, her eyes full of love. “Not yet, my darling. I can’t move in with you yet. I won’t leave Mom and Maddy to fend for themselves right now. I can’t donate bone marrow for Maddy, but I want to be there with her.”

“Well, it’ll be easier for you to do that from our place, since they’ll be moving to an apartment two floors down from us.”

Her eyes narrow with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I bought an apartment two floors down from us for them.”

She whirls out of the circle of my arms and stares at me with her enormous eyes. “You bought an apartment for my mom and sister?”


She swallows hard. “Are you kidding me?”


“That’s… that’s… I don’t even know what to say. Than—” Her voice breaks and tears fill her eyes.

“And it’s in your mother’s name so even if I die tomorrow she has no worries about being homeless.”

“Are you even real?” she mumbles through her tears.

“I’m real, Raine. I’m as real as the little life growing inside you. We’re a family now. The three of us. And families live together.”

“How can you be so sure? What if you are not acquitted?”

I grin. “You want the honest truth? We didn’t even know you were going to come up with your surprise superstar performance today. We weren’t counting on anything from you, as we have figured out how the murder was committed.”

“You know who did it?”

“No, but we figured out how the killer did it.”


“Remember how our bed creaked.”

She giggles. “How could I forget?”

“That’s because they had legs. Which means there was space under it. Whoever killed Vassily didn’t come in through the window. It was tightly shut from the inside. The killer arrived at least a day earlier and must have found out which room Vassily was booked into. He easily picked the old-fashioned lock of the room, once inside, all he had to do was wait. Our investigators found biscuit crumbs and other bits of food under the bed. Clearly, his mission was to steal Vassily’s files, then kill him, but I met Vassily in the reception upon his arrival, he passed his files to me, and we went up to his room together.”

She shivers. “So the whole time you were in the room with Vassily, the killer was under the bed.”

“It is the most likely explanation.”

‘’My God you could have been killed too!’’

‘’I was never the target.’’

‘’I thank the universe you were not.’’

I take her hand and we walk down the steps together. The sun is shining brightly and I feel on top of the world. There is only one thing I haven’t done yet…


It’s All Coming Back To Me Now

* * *

As soon as we arrive at his, well, our home, we put our phones away into the Faraday cage, and I turn to him. “You know that time you asked me to come to that apartment… why?”

“Because I was going fucking mad being away from you. I wanted to touch you, fuck you, taste you. It was the only way I could have you for those few minutes without letting them know I still wanted you.”

“Do you still have that apartment?”

“I rented it for the minimum time possible. Six months. Why?”

“Because one of these days I want to do that again. I want to arrive and have you do exactly what you did that last time.”

He laughs. “You liked that, huh?”

I nod. “Yes, it was mysterious and exciting and I waited and waited for you to call me again.”

“Oh, baby,” he growls, as he pulls me up to him, my body pressed tightly against his as he searches my face hungrily, but for what he is looking for I can’t tell. It just seems as though he can’t quite believe that I belong to him. He crushes his lips to mine in a searing kiss.

I’m instantly light headed. It barely registers as he pushes the skirt of my suit up and tears off my underwear. Then he lifts me into his arms and carries me up to his bedroom. He puts me down on the ground and lays down on the bed. Then he pulls me to him and positions me until my ass is directly above his face. I gasp as he sits me down on his mouth.

Every fiber of my being feels like it is on fire.

I grind my sex wildly into his mouth as he sucks, licks and fucks me with that naughty, energetic, greedy tongue of his.

Tags: Georgia Le Carre Billionaire Romance