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They turned a corner and Khizar directed Jacqui to a large gateway at the end of the sidewalk. Seeing where they were headed, Jacqui stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk, pulling Khizar to a stop next to her.

As Khizar looked at her in question, Jacqui pointed to the huge, ornate building that stood in the middle of what looked like a park on the other side of a large black iron fence.

“That’s where we’re going?” she asked.

Khizar nodded. “That’s the royal palace.”

Jacqui nodded her head in jumpy, nervous movements.

“Of course, that’s the palace. No big deal or anything.”

Khizar pulled her off to the edge of the sidewalk, next to the fence.

“It’s where I grew up. And even though I live on my own, it’s still my home. So, it really isn’t a big deal.”

Jacqui stared at him, eyes wide.

“It’s an honest-to-goodness palace. Of course it’s a big deal.”

He cupped her face and ran a thumb over her cheek.

“You’re right. It’s a big deal because I’m showing you my home. But the building itself—well, it’s just a building.”

Khizar’s tone comforted her and his caress made her feel safe.

“Okay, it’s your home. The fact that it would fit every house I’ve ever lived in inside it is no big deal.”

“Exactly.” He smiled at her and Jacqui took a deep breath.

“Okay. Let’s go see it.”

The main door sat at the top of imposing stone steps, and was watched over by two guards in uniform. Khizar nodded at them as he and Jacqui walked through the door.

Inside, a butler hurried up to meet them. Khizar nodded warmly, but waved him off. He held a hand out to Jacqui, who took it and let herself by led down the magnificent hallway.

As they walked, Khizar pointed out the decorative mosaics on the walls, floors, and ceilings.

“These are part of the original palace, carefully restored about eighty years ago after a fire. The palace was rebuilt and modernized. My grandfather continued to add improvements to the buildings after he became Sheikh.”

“It’s beautiful, Khizar.”

Her fiancé nodded. “The design is centuries old. Although everything has been updated, the family has tried to keep as much of the historic detail as possible.”

Jacqui slowly turned in a circle, taking everything in. “Is the palace open to the public?”

“It is. It used to be that anyone could walk in, but in recent years, we’ve had to add layers of security. So, now it’s open to the public for tours during certain hours. But all government business is done at other official buildings, so this is just the royal family’s home, now.”

They walked up a set of steps and out onto a terrace. The garden was spread out below, filled with elaborately sculpted shrubberies and stone pathways and lawns.

“I know I keep saying this, but it’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Does your entire family live here?”

Khizar tilted his head slightly. “Most of them, though it’s mostly my parents and aunts and uncles. Several of my cousins have moved out into their own homes, as I did. There’s a feeling among the younger generation that some of us need to live among the people, but I think it’s more that we don’t want to live down the hall from our parents.”

Jacqui laughed lightly. “I get that.”

They continued their tour through the palace, Khizar nodding at a few people as they passed by. By time they had circled back to the main entrance, Jacqui felt more comfortable being there because Khizar treated it like home.

She wondered what it would be like to live there. Jacqui assumed that they would live in Khizar’s apartment, or maybe look for another house together. The palace was truly beautiful, but she agreed with Khizar that it would be a little like living in a family fishbowl.

It was yet another thing they needed to talk about.

Jacqui was quiet as they left the palace, and continued walking through the city. She wanted to bring it up, but she also felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened over the last few days. She’d been engaged for barely forty-eight hours, discovered a family member she didn’t know she had, plus traveled more than she’d ever done at once before.

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance