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Chris’ eyes brightened a little. “She’s going to try to get here. It’s not certain yet, but she wouldn’t say that if she wasn’t going to make it happen.”

I really hoped he was right. “Tell her we’re going to need more than her for the spell. I’ll leave it up to her to pick, but they should be strong. And I don’t care if they’re rogues or whatever. But we need them.”

“I’ll let her know.”

“Alright. Good.” That was huge. If we had that and we had witches and Weres, then maybe this could really work.

I took another breath to steady myself, letting it out slowly. We were going to figure this out. We had to. “Let’s pull the rest of the books in this library on magic—fey, angelic, witch, whatever. Claudia and Lucas, maybe you can be in charge of that? Anything you think we can use. And we need to form a bond between the new ten members. I’m open to any suggestions of what kind, but it should amplify power. Once we form the bond, Astaroth will be on our ass. My tie to him is still there and there will be magic involved. So it’s a given that he’s going to show up.”

“I’ll see what I can find, but I’m not expecting to find much,” Claudia said.

I ignored her negativity and grabbed the closest book. “Let’s also look for anything about the portals between the planes. We need those sealed tight. Especially the one on the compound. If it were an ordinary circle, the salt should’ve killed it. So, it’s something else. I don’t want any demons coming through anymore. Maybe Raphael and Adrian—could you look into that? And if anyone finds anything about breaking a demonic tie, let me know. That has to go before all of this will work.”

“What else do you need?”


; “I don’t know. Chris—maybe look into fey magic? If we understood what they used for the Seven’s bond, then maybe we could recreate it. And Dastien and I will organize what’s left. We’ll need some whiteboards or something for ideas—”

“On it.” Dastien walked deeper into the library.

“Okay. Let’s make this happen,” I said. Nerves were making my inside flutter, but we were going to do this. We’d been in tough spots before and we always came up with a solution.

I had to stay positive. No one was going to suck me down to a place I didn’t want—or deserve—to go. Not even Astaroth.

After what felt like ten hours later, but was probably only three, I found something that could actually work. The book was more like a journal, bound with three brass brads. The words were hand written, with notes scrawling up the margins. Extra pages had been added—different colors—with no rhyme or reason. I’d almost written it off just because it looked worse than something I made for a school project in third grade. The writing was a little hard to read, but once I got used to it, the words flowed. Slowly, the journal started to make more and more sense.

The cover was black card stock with white paint on it: M la F. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but when I got to the part that said “…power bonds between supernaturals isn’t easy to achieve, but I know there’s a way. Béibhinn has an idea that we shall try in the morning, but we need…” chills ran over my arms.

I flipped through the pages faster and faster. “This could be it.” The room quieted as I scanned the next couple of pages. “This is it. You guys. I thought this looked like just a personal journal, and it is, but it’s more than that. Luciana was obsessed with gaining more power and I think this is what she used to—”

“No! Absolutely not. We cannot use a spell that Luciana cast. There’s no way that—”

I sighed. Claudia had been like this since we got back. She was being so stubborn about not wanting to use any of Luciana’s things that she made me want to pull my hair out or strangle her. I wasn’t quite sure which, but something was going to happen if her attitude didn’t change. “Would you give me a second? Try to forget the association that Luciana brings to it.”

Claudia slunked down in her seat. “Fine. But if it’s dark magic, I’m not doing it.”

“Believe me, neither will I.” I already felt like I was treading a fine line by touching Luciana’s things. “But this actually looks like something that might be fey.”

“What?” Lucas reached for it. “Can I take a look at it?”

“One sec. I just want to read you this passage. See if it’ll apply.”

Lucas gave me a nod.

“It talks a bit about the moon and the stars here. But I don’t know if that’s important. You can read it and let me know. But this part feels like it’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Béibhinn was right about some of it. Fey and coven do not bond as we had hoped. The blood tie is important, as well as magical intent. That was enough for now, but it is not as strong of a bond as I have with my own coven sisters. Adding in the ashes of those that came before us strengthened the bond as we expected. It is indeed better than the ones that I have seen before but we need more power if we are to stop the dark days ahead.

We failed last night, but there is hope. I will not be deterred.

Going down a dark path would be the easiest, but with what is to come, it is not wise. We need another to bind the tie. I believe it is possible to stay on the side of light.

We shall endeavor to find a wolf on the full moon. The pack runs close to these parts. They have been proven to be skittish of my kind but I shall find a way to get at least one to agree.

Tomorrow, we shall try to call an angelic force to us. If any still live.

“What do you think?” I asked looking up from the page. “Sounds to me like this lady and her fey friend were trying to fight something bad. They needed a Were to make it stronger. Maybe my gut was right. It’s a mix of all of them that make this possible. And then they said something about an angel. I don’t know how to get one of those, but an archon is like an angel. Right?”

Tags: Aileen Erin Alpha Girl Paranormal