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"You've seen naked women before, Collin."

"Well, my God, she's like a little sister to me."

"Not so little, eh?"

"Jesus, Alex!"

She laughed. Laughed until she cried and fell into his pride-stiff chest. Laughed until his arms came around her, finally, and he kissed her giggles into soft sighs.



"Your punishment will not wait for tonight, I'm afraid."

"Punishment for what?"

"Laughing at your lord and master. Just the sort of dis­respect that calls for a spanking."

Her squeal could not be contained by the thin walls of the carriage. Wrens startled from their nest in the chapel tower and shot across the sky above the swiveling heads of every person still in the churchyard.

She would never be a lady. She knew that just as surely as she knew the whispers of "scandalous" and "shameful" would not disappear just because the carriage wheels began to turn and masked the sound.

She would never be a lady, or not a proper one at any rate, and that was fine. Because she was a farmer's wife. And her farmer had fallen in love with her in all her bold, unnatural glory.

She laid her head on his strong shoulder and smiled, looking forward to the quiet ride and the lively wedding breakfast and the night they'd spend alone . . . And won­dering all the while if she really could tempt him into that spanking once they reached home.

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Tags: Victoria Dahl Somerhart Erotic