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“What do you mean?” My words were a breathless whisper.

She directed a poisonous smile in Caiden’s direction. “Imagine my surprise when Allan and Mr. Hyde were taken from right under our noses this evening. I had no idea who could have done such a thing, until Petr came to me, bleeding from the arm and holding a knife. One of the very knives that Arlo had purchased for his eldest son, the Christmas before last, in an attempt to worm his way into his good graces. He had them custom made, you know.”

“Fuck,” Caiden muttered from behind me. I didn’t dare to move to comfort him; I didn’t want anything to set Christine off.

“I knew that the game was up. It was then a case of sending a message to Miss De Witt’s phone, to say that Caiden wanted to meet with her. She didn’t question it—stupid girl.”

She sighed. “I have to say, I’m extremely disappointed to see you here, Winter. I knew you had feelings for him, but I never imagined you’d be so stupid as to follow him into something like this. Especially not where his girlfriend is concerned. Don’t you have any pride?”

“Never mind that. What did you mean by Caiden paying tonight?”

She raised her arm. The arm holding the gun. “One Cavendish down, three to go. I was originally going to let the boys live, but after tonight…no. I’m afraid I can’t risk keeping them alive.”

“One Cavendish down?” Bile rose in my throat.

“Arlo’s wife was easy. The right words whispered in her ear, the open bottle of pills…I barely had to do anything. Arlo will have a car accident tomorrow, on the way back from signing the contract. Weston will go mad with grief, once he finds out every member of his family is dead, and it’ll be a simple matter to stage his death to look like a suicide. Now, be a good girl and step aside so I can eliminate one of them here and now.”

“No.” I stared at her, never faltering.

She waved the gun threateningly.

“Move, or I will shoot you. I’d hoped you’d join me, but if you refuse to see sense, then you are of no use to me.”

Her eyes glittered maniacally. She really was insane.

“I would never join you,” I hissed. “Never, ever.”

“Have it your way.” She squeezed the trigger.

Several things happened at once.

Time slowed down to a crawl.

Caiden shoved me with all his might, sending me flying across the docks. There was the sound of two gunshots and shouting. Someone screaming.

My only thought was Caiden. Nothing else mattered.

Winded, I struggled to my feet, crawling towards the SUV as more gunshots sounded, the noises rebounding off the buildings, echoing all around me.

Where was he?

My eyes were drawn to the figure on the floor, unmoving, the rain soaking through his clothes.

I took in his unnatural stillness, the blood pooling at his side.




Reaching him, I fumbled for his pulse with shaking hands but couldn’t feel it. I tried, and tried again, my fingers slipping over his soaked skin as I tried desperately to feel for anything. Anything that would tell me he was still here with me.


I curled myself over his lifeless body, stretching my arms around him and laying my head on his chest.

His heartbeat, always so strong and steady, was silent.

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance