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“That doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, mate,” Weston interjected.

“Yes, it does. It’s fucking awesome.”

“Operation Andromeda,” I suggested, and Cassius gave me a surprised, pleased smile.

“Finally giving your opinion on the code name thing, are ya mate?”

“I can’t let you fuckers come up with a shit name.”

“I hope I’m not one of the ‘fuckers’ you’re talking about.” Winter pretended to be mad, giving me a weak punch in the arm.

“We need to work on your punching skills.” I grinned at her.

She returned my grin. “We need to work on your manners.”

“Excuse me? My manners are fucking fine.”

“Maybe if you didn’t use the word ‘fuck’ in every sentence.”

“What? I like the word.”

“I’d never be able to tell.”

“Just for that, I’m gonna fuck the rudeness out of your mouth later.”

“Behave, or I’ll bite.”

“That’s a low blow, baby.”

“As much fun as it is watching your verbal foreplay, we need to break this up. We’ve got a seminar starting in five.” Zayde’s dry tone cut through our banter, as he stood, cocking his head at me. I glanced at my watch.

“Shit, I’m gonna be late. See you back at the house, later.” I lifted Winter off me, waiting until she sat back down in my vacated chair before I placed a quick kiss on the top of her head. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I sauntered out of the cafeteria with Z, feeling her eyes on me every step of the way.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was tense. Everyone was here, sitting around the kitchen table, looking like they’d rather be anywhere else. In summary, it was awkward as fuck.

I looked across the table and caught Cassius’ eye. I could practically see the thoughts flying through his head; then his expression cleared and he nodded once, decisively. He tapped on his phone, and then he sat back, waiting. Seconds later, the opening tune of “Unstoppable” by The Score blasted out of the speakers that were discreetly placed around the room.

“Operation Andromeda begins now!” he shouted, banging his fist on the desk dramatically, then he winked at Winter. For you, he mouthed to her, before he shot me a huge grin.

Just like that, the tension in the room dissipated. My girl laughed and sang along, and even Granville was smiling, looking marginally more relaxed than he had been when he turned up with Lena in tow. Not that he should be.

I let the music blare from the speakers for a couple of minutes, before asking Cass to turn it down enough to hear myself think. Grabbing the large pad of paper that was sitting in front of me, I flipped it open to the first page, staring at the blank paper and gathering my thoughts.

Winter’s hand touched mine, sliding a pen in front of me.

I took the pen, my mind overflowing with ideas. Staring unseeing at the Alstone College logo on the side, I tried to make some fucking sense of what was going on in my head.

Time to do this shit.

I put the pen to the paper, and began writing.


“Okay, let’s get a fucking plan together.”


“I’m not sure about this.” Zayde stopped dead on the pavement, standing outside the doors to a large, towering office block.

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance