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I smiled at him, but my smile dropped as I took in his face. “How are you feeling? About everything with Lena?”

His expression darkened. “I don’t know how to feel. She’s always been a bit of a wild card—she thinks she’s fucking invincible, but she’s not.” He blew out a heavy breath. “I’m gonna be keeping an eye on the situation, that’s for sure.”

“I’ll do the same, when I can. And you know West can track her phone or whatever.”

“Yeah, true.” The tension left his jaw, and his eyes lightened even as he let out a groan. “Why am I surrounded by so many stubborn women?”

“Guess you must attract them.”

He grinned, back to his usual self, opening his car door. “Come on. Enough depressing talk.” We exited his SUV and made our way into the supermarket, Cassius grabbing a shopping trolley on the way. “You’re gonna love shopping with me.”

Something told me that this was going to be an experience.

“Cassius D

rummond! What do we need a piñata for?” I stood in the aisle that contained party supplies, hands on my hips, as he threw more random crap into the trolley. A huge packet of birthday candles joined the piñata, and he piled balloons and other party decorations on top.

“You never know. I like to be prepared.” He added packs of paper cups, pretty much emptying the shelves, before he moved on to the next aisle, which happened to contain kids toys. “Water pistols, hmmm,” he mused. “We’ll get a couple of those.” He pulled two huge water guns down from the shelf, both coloured in garishly bright orange and green.

“Uh, you do know it’s January, right? Who’s going to have a water fight in January?” I raised a brow.

“Babe. We need to be prepared for anything.”

“Right.” There was no point reasoning with him. Although, once he added the game Twister, I put my foot down. “Come on. Let’s get some actual food and drinks, before we have no room left for anything else.”

By the time we’d left the supermarket, the back of the SUV was pretty much full of bags.

“Cass? I think there’s more stuff in here than there is in the shop.”

He laughed. “Yep. It’s your birthday party, babe. We’ve got to celebrate it properly.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t hire people to do all this shit for you,” I told him.

“Now where would the fun be in that?” he teased. “You did have fun, didn’t you?”

I smiled at him. “Yeah, I did.”

“Then my plan to brighten up your day worked.” He winked. “You’re welcome.”

“It did. Thanks.” I leaned over the centre console and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“You missed my lips.” He smirked at me.

“Do you want Cade to kill you in your sleep?”

“It’d be worth it.”

Rolling my eyes, I settled back into my seat. “You need to find yourself a nice girlfriend.”

“Unless you can clone yourself, it’s a no.”

“I don’t think we have that technology yet.”

“Remember that sheep they cloned?”

“Not personally, no.”

“I heard they tried to clone a mammoth.”

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance