Page 53 of Facade

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“Your ex-girlfriend, who is now a reporter—so she says—just happened to show up when we took off for Vegas. Comes looking for you in Vegas. Finds you in Vegas. And has made another trip to your office prior to the Vegas trip. You know what that means.”

“She’s now a suspect,” I said with a sigh.

“Now you’re getting it. I’m going to look more into this whole Emma debacle as well as get the scoop on your favorite ex.”

“She’s not my favorite.”

“Trust me. She’s your favorite,” she said. “I’m also going to get into Emma’s computer while she’s not here. Don’t worry, I won’t delete anything confidential.”

“I’m not going to even try to stop you anymore,” I said.

“Sounds like a good idea,” she said as she left.

I watched her turn a corner and head toward Emma’s little office. It was down the hall from mine and easily accessible from the elevator. Truth be told, it used to be a storage closet, but I had it renovated so she had a place to go and spend her time. Emma enjoyed her privacy, and she hated having a desk stationed outside of my office like a secretary, so I had tried to provide the accommodations to make her comfortable. Looking back, it was probably what started her thinking I had a crush on her, but having an office for Emma proved to be a good thing. It platformed her into a full-time personal assistant, and she became someone I could trust.

Someone with a crush who needed to be handled, but she still grew to be someone I could trust.

I’d given her some time off with all the heat brewing around the company. With Jacob getting attacked, I didn’t want her hanging around for a few days until things could settle down, and we could get back on track with this investigation.

I turned my back as Sam worked her way into Emma’s office, trying to distract my mind with anything.

Anything to get my mind off the shitstorm my life had become.

Chapter 20


I THOUGHT IT WAS ODD that Emma’s office door wasn’t locked, but it made things easier to get into. I toggled her mouse and then searched for the computer tower when the screen didn’t come on. Great. Now I would have to fucking figure out what this woman’s password was on her computer just to get in so I could see things.

It shouldn’t have shocked me at all when I booted up the computer, and it logged me right in.

No passwords on her work computer meant anyone could come in here and snoop around. I made a mental note to tell Derek that she wasn’t keeping his sensitive information under wraps. Her having an open computer like this meant anyone could stroll in here and get shit on him. His schedule. His emails. Tap into his records. The fucking works.

All of this made my job that much more complicated.

“Well, hello there.”

I whipped my gaze up and saw Jacob standing in the doorway. What the fuck was he doing here? Hadn’t Derek sent him home?

“Mr. Carl, how are you feeling?” I asked.

“Eh, could be better. Got a big burly man following me around everywhere. It really ruins my game,” Jacob said.

“Does Derek know you’re here? I could go get him. I’m sure he would want to see you,” I said.

“No, no. He actually sent me home. I left my wallet in my office earlier, and I sort of need that around.”

“I can only imagine,” I said with a sigh.

“I saw the door open and thought Emma might’ve been here. I was gonna pop in and let her know I was okay. I haven’t seen her since the accident.”

“Did you see her that day?” I asked.

“I mean, she was around at work, but I figured she was the one who notified Derek about what was going on. I wanted her to know I was up and about, but I see her desk is occupied by something a bit more interesting.”

I had no idea how the hell I was going to get out of this one. Did Derek not hear Jacob’s voice? I was just down the hall by the elevator. Surely Derek would come out of his office and see Jacob standing around like he wasn’t supposed to be.

“So, whatcha looking for?” Jacob asked.

“Nothing. Just trying to find something interesting to do,” I said.

“I didn’t realize you were here with Derek.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Billionaire Romance