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“I’m so very okay.” He cupped her breast with a warm hand and her stethoscope fell to the floor. They sank into another deep kiss. The protective paper covering the table bunched beneath them and made crinkly noises. She sent up a silent thank you that there were no surveillance cameras in exam rooms and that the hospital had thick walls.

Still they kissed. Heat shimmered through her, defrosting all the parts of her that had been cold since he’d left her in that parking lot, including the most important spot deep in her chest that had been iced over for far too long.

“I love you, Lane,” she murmured against his lips.

“I love you back.”

She slid her hands along his chest and kissed a line up his jaw, avoiding the side with the scratches. His cock was hard against the spot where their bodies met, and her own libido thundered through her, making demands, making her reckless. Nothing in the world seemed more important right now than being with this man, skin to skin, exorcising all the demons that had chased them, sharing their love for each other. She didn’t want to stop. But her logical side tried to whisper through the erotic haze. She needed to get up and lock the door, mark the room as occupied. Let no one disturb them.

She would do that.

But just one more kiss and maybe a hand tracing the outline of his cock.

Hinges squeaked loudly, the door swinging open, air shifting.

Lane stiffened but Elle didn’t even bother looking up. “Shut it and turn the sign to occupied. I’m on break.”

The intruder laughed quietly. “No problem, boss. I didn’t see a thing.”


The door clicked shut and Elle smiled down at Lane. “Now, where were we?”

Lane cocked an eyebrow at her. “I think you were about to fuck me on an exam table in your doctor’s coat. Please tell me that’s the case. Please tell me I haven’t passed out from blood loss and this is actually happening.”

She grinned wider. “This is, indeed, happening.”

He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her down close. “Ah, pornographic dreams really do come true.”

She brushed her lips against his, her chest filling with a frothy warmth, one that made her feel light and free and so fully in her skin that it made her breath catch. “I’m starting to believe the fairytale kind do, too.”

His eyes softened and he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Ready to be my princess, doc?”

“No.” Her lips curved. “I’m the queen. I’m always the queen.”

He chuckled beneath her. “Of course. You know that’s what I used to call you in my head. The Ice Queen.”

She sniffed. “Asshole.”

“I was.” He slipped his hand under her shirt and dragged a thumb over her breast. “I was wrong about the ice part. Dead-on about the queen.” He pressed a kiss to her mouth. “Now take off all your clothes, Your Highness, and keep the coat. Let’s see if I’m worthy of being your king.”

“Your wish is my command.”

His face lit. “Finally, she follows a command!”

She poked his side. “Don’t get used to it.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” he teased. “You wouldn’t be you otherwise. And you…are perfect.”

The words filtered through her, cutting through the tangles of bad memories and the failed marriage and the insecurities. He loved her. Not some polite, edited version. The woman she was, sharp edges and all. And she loved him back. Every last sweet, sexy bit of him.

They slipped off their clothes. She donned her coat, feeling wrong in the best way possible wearing only that, and Lane laid her out on the table.

He watched her with hungry eyes as he gripped her thighs and sank himself deep inside her. She let out a soft moan and held on to his biceps, her nails digging into the thick muscle. He canted his hips, angling just right, and the heat of him washed through her and made every agitated nerve sigh with relief. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so filled up, not just physically but in every part of her psyche.

She didn’t believe in one person completing another but now she knew what people meant when they said they’d found their match. Lane fit into her jagged spaces and smoothed them out, made her feel part of something instead of always on the outside looking in.

Made her feel…happy to be exactly who she was.

Tags: Roni Loren Pleasure Principle Erotic