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“Absolutely. Low-key. I’m going to go and give her a call.” He hopped up from the couch and ten minutes later returned with another beer for Hayes.

“She shot you down?” Hayes asked.

“Tonight’s a no-go, but we’re all set for tomorrow night. She has plans with her friends but said that we could go along with her.”

Hayes’s mouth flattened. He hadn’t signed up for friends or actual socializing. “Out with her friends. Where?”

Ren settled into the chair and propped his feet on the coffee table. “No big deal. Just karaoke night at that gay club that opened a few weeks ago.”

“Karaoke?” Utter horror filled Hayes. “I said low-key. You better be kidding, Muroya.”

Ren’s smile went big. “Guess you’ll find out.”

Fuck. He wasn’t kidding.

Cora fussed with the neckline of her shirt before opening the door for Ren. She felt ten kinds of self-conscious in the outfit. But when Ren had asked her to go out on a date with him and Hayes, she didn’t want to show up in the same old thing. She’d tried a dress Grace had loaned her, but she’d felt like she was in drag. Plus, Ren had told her he liked her style. It wasn’t like he’d expect her to show up glammed out. So she’d settled on a pair of black cigarette pants, a silver tank top, and a pair of heels she’d tucked in the back of her closet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t break her neck.

When she swung open the door, she found Ren standing there and looking like he’d stepped off the pages of a men’s magazine. Dark jeans, thick-soled black boots, and a deep blue button-up shirt rolled up at the sleeves and open at the collar. His gaze traveled slowly over her. “Well, damn. Maybe we should stay in.”

She smirked. “That bad?”

He grabbed her by the waist and dragged her to him, pressing a quick peck to her lips. “That good. You look great. Though, you sure you want to torture yourself with those shoes?”

She smiled. “I figured I should try to look like a girl sometimes.”

“Screw that noise. Just do you. Who says there’s a certain way to look like a girl anyway?”

“The world.”

“Fuck the world. The world also says I shouldn’t be going out on a date with two people. The world has issues.”

“Mmm, agreed. Speaking of which, where’s Hayes?”

“Meeting us there. He said he had some errands to run first, but I’m guessing he just wants a getaway vehicle in case gay karaoke is a little too much for him.”

She laughed. “Gay karaoke is too much for anyone. I think that’s the point. I’m not entirely sure how I got roped into it. Maybe I was drunk when I agreed.”

“Whose idea was it?”

“My best friend, Grace, and my neighbors. I think this is their attempt at making sure I don’t become a workaholic. They have no idea what I’ve been doing at work.”

“Or who.”

“Exactly. I tried to protest but there’s no stopping Grace when she gets an idea in her head. I’m a little surprised you two volunteered to come along, though.”

“To karaoke? Oh, I’m all over that.” He gave her a sly grin. “I’m Japanese. I w

as born for karaoke.”

She tilted her head and cocked a brow. “Oh, really?”

“Okay, so maybe I’ve never actually sang karaoke, but I know I’d be amazing at it. I’m pretty amazing at everything, you know. You think they’ll have Taylor Swift songs? I like that one about Starbucks lovers.”

She snorted. “I’m glad you’re looking forward to it, because I’m definitely not singing.”

“Oh, yes you are, Benning. I obnoxiously invited us along on your friends’ night out for the sole purpose of hearing you sing.”

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic