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“Oh, I have no doubt. Like what’s-his-face could compete with this?” Ren swept a hand in front of himself and winced at the effort. “But seriously, thank you, to you and to whatever that shithead did to help.”

Hayes poured a cup of water and brought it to Ren’s lips for him to sip.

Ren groaned. “Fuck, it feels like I swallowed razor blades.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t talk,” Hayes suggested.

“Always trying to shut me up.” He sent Hayes a smirk. “But I can at least use the sore throat as an excuse to delay the grilling by the police a little longer. I’d rather not talk to the good captain ever again.”

Cora’s eyebrows lifted. “Why? Was my mom rude to you?”

“Your mom was amazing. But she’s the one who found me. I was hoping to meet her over Thanksgiving dinner or something. Not tied up and naked and freaking out.”

Cora frowned. “My mom’s been a cop for a long time. She’s seen more naked people freaking out than you can count. And once you get to know her, you’ll see that when she’s on the job, she’s all business. She won’t let it be awkward.”

“Oh, it’s going to be awkward.” Ren’s gaze turned sly. “But does this mean I’ve landed an invite to Thanksgiving dinner?”

She crossed her arms and cocked her head. “Are you fishing, Ren Muroya?”

“With big-ass bait.”

She shook her head and smiled. “Once my mom gets over the fact that her upstanding daughter has gone to the dark side and is falling for not just one but two kinky-ass men, maybe you’ll get a turkey invite. Maybe.”

Ren’s eyebrow arched at that. “Falling for us, huh?”

Cora’s cheeks heated. Hayes had expressed how he felt about her, but she had no idea where Ren stood. And once again, her mouth had gotten ahead of her good sense and she’d blurted out feelings all over the place.

“Well, thank God for that,” Ren said finally and reached for her hand. His wrist was bandaged and his fingers battered, but he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Because frankly, everything else is broken on me right now. I don’t want to add my heart to the pile. I want you in my life. Both of you.”

All the breath sagged out of her. They were words she’d never heard before today. Big words. Scary words.

She’d never realized how much she’d ached to hear them. She didn’t know where this would lead. Everything still felt so new. But something deep in her bones told her to leap. That the universe didn’t reward cowards. That this was right. And that she’d waited long enough.

Hayes put his hand over the top of hers, the three of them joined. And everything settled inside her.

These were dangerous men.

But dangerous in ways she’d never considered before.

And it was time to be brave.

She leaned over to brush her lips over Ren’s, savoring the knowledge that he was here and alive and safe, and then she turned to Hayes. Those green eyes held hers, hope and sweetness and promise there. She pressed her mouth to his and then smiled, answering his question from the waiting room. “I want this to be our beginning, too.”

Hayes let out a breath, like he’d honestly been worried she would bail, and he touched his forehead to hers, all three of their hands still joined. “Once upon a time . . .”


six months later

Cora sipped her drink as partygoers cruised by her table in tuxedoes and fancy dresses. The policemen’s ball was in full swing, and the band was starting to get more takers on the dance floor. Cora watched in amusement as her mother was escorted onto the dance floor by Andre’s husband, Jace. Her mom was laughing and waving a dismissive hand like she really didn’t want to dance, but the flush high on her cheeks said she wasn’t immune to the man’s charms.

“He’s going to get me fired.”

Cora peered up to find Andre standing behind the empty chair at her table, eyeballing the dance floor and looking dapper in his tux. His wife, Evan, was hooked on his arm in a sparkly green dress that set off her dark hair and creamy skin.

Cora smiled. “Or promoted. He’s treating her like the belle of the ball. I say let him do his thing.”

Evan smirked. “I think he’s just trying to make us jealous. Your mom’s gorgeous.”

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic