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He smiled as they stepped into the large shower room. Lucky for them, it looked like they were in the perfect place for creative possibilities. The space was the size of a small bedroom and tiled from floor to ceiling—like a group shower in a locker room but built for luxury. There were jets sticking out from all the walls and few rain showers hanging above. Five or six people could move comfortably—or be restrained comfortably based on the movable benches and the eyebolts in the walls.

“Grant, you naughty fucker,” Jace said, lowering Evan to her feet and leading her to one of the teak benches.

Evan turned around in place, her eyes wide. “Good Lord. Someone has a water fetish.”

“I think Grant has an everything fetish,” Andre said, reaching out and tugging one of the eyebolts.

“But I thought he doesn’t share. This isn’t a room meant for two,” Evan said, ignoring the bench and walking around to explore all the different dials and buttons on what appeared to be the main contro

l panel.

“He doesn’t share since Charli,” Jace corrected. “But I think he had this place built before The Ranch. So he had parties here.”

“Well, more fun for us.” Evan turned a knob without warning and water sprayed out in a powerful stream a few feet away, hitting Jace right in the face.

“Shit!” Jace jumped back, hands up to block, as cold water doused him.

Evan was laughing and adjusting the dial frantically, but not turning it off.

“Oh, that’s your ass now, Kennedy,” Jace said, dodging the stream and tugging his soaked shirt off.

Evan sent Andre a look, her teeth biting into her lip, and he knew he was next. He reached down to grab for the jeans he’d quickly tugged back on and pushed them down. But the water was already hitting him in the back. He arched and jolted forward, the water not freezing but near it. “Gahhh! Cold!”

Evan’s expression was wickedly gleeful, but she did manage to turn something that switched the spray to warm. It was too late for a reprieve, though. Jace was already tugging off the last of his clothes and stalking Evan’s way. Andre tossed his sodden jeans to the side and followed him.

Jace wrapped an arm around Evan’s waist, even as she batted at him with laughing protests, and lifted her off her feet. “Looks like someone can’t be trusted to have use of her hands.”

“No, no, I promise I won’t do it again,” she said, squirming.

“You bet you won’t.” Andre sidled up next to them and gave Evan’s hip a pinch. “I think my balls are permanently lodged in my throat now.”

Evan rolled her lips inward, her gaze still sparking with amusement. “I’m sure I could convince them back out. Get them warm again.”

“Oh, no,” Jace said, setting her down near the wall but keeping his hold on her. “No more touching for you. You’ve broken the rules now.”

He took her wrists and raised them above her head. There were two handles with rubber grips attached by suction cups. Jace adjusted them for Evan’s height then slipped her hands beneath them.

“Grab,” Jace said, using that stern voice that made Evan’s amused expression switch to one of anticipation.

Evan wrapped her hands around the handles and gripped.

Andre eyed the devices. “Give them a tug and make sure they’re fastened good enough. I don’t want you falling.”

She did as she was told and everything stayed in place. Andre stepped back. God, did she look beautiful. All that creamy naked skin stretched out against the dark blue tile, breasts full and nipples swelling as his gaze traced over them. He wanted to devour her bite by bite. And Jace standing next to her, dripping wet and hard, tattooed arms glistening, had Andre’s brain going into overdrive even more. He’d just been fully satisfied out in the living room. He could’ve been happy to climb in bed and go to sleep. But now seeing his two lovers in front of him had his desire cranking up again and demanding another go.

Jace’s focus slid over to Andre, his lips curling as he gave Andre a long once-over. “Let’s see if I can warm you both up.”

Andre’s blood heated despite the lingering chill from that cold water. He loved being in the dominant role with Evan, cherished it. But he also couldn’t help but respond when Jace gave him that look of ownership. The guy was his best friend, his partner, and someone who could make him laugh like no one else. But that laid-back friend disappeared when Jace took over. When that switch flipped, all that fell away and Andre relished the surrender.

Andre hadn’t always been comfortable with his reaction to being dominated by a man, and sometimes he still felt a snap of embarrassment at his response—which was part of the reason he hadn’t let Evan see the extent to which he would let Jace take him yet. He didn’t want her to see him as less of a dominant. So they kept any submissive stuff for him relatively light when they were all together, putting the focus on Evan. But there were rare times when it was just he and Jace that he let himself slide fully into that masochistic place, where he surrendered it all. He didn’t need it often. Dominance was what he craved most of the time. But every now and then it was a luxury to give all the power over and have the sense beat out of him.

It was something he was still learning to accept about himself—being a switch. Like coming to terms with being bi, it was a process. He’d get there. He was eons ahead of where he’d been a year ago when he was silently pining for his best friend. When he’d finally admitted how he felt to Jace, how he sometimes ached for submission and pain, everything in their lives had shifted for the better. Jace had been primarily straight at the time, so Andre hadn’t known what to expect. It’d almost ruined their friendship for good. But when they’d finally let their guards down and given in to the attraction, there’d been no looking back. All that had been missing at the time was the woman they both had fallen in love with.

Now they had it all.

Andre’s gaze fell to Evan’s belly. Maybe even more.

Jace turned a few more dials, filling the room with a gentler spray of water and lots of steam. He angled a few toward Evan, sending water streaming in rivulets over her skin. She closed her eyes and sighed into it, turning her body toward the spray like a flower seeking the sun.

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic