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Jace stepped around her and kissed her nose. “Welcome to your kidnapping, love. Hope you enjoy the flight.”

Chapter 6

Jace sat back in his seat and got ready to press the button to call the flight attendant and ask for lunch to be served. This was definitely the way to travel. When his father had stepped down from the CEO position of the family’s financial company and sold the business, his brother¸ Wyatt, had taken over the company’s private jet since he and his wife, Kelsey, liked to travel on a whim. And he’d told Jace he could use it whenever he wanted.

Jace hadn’t been all that interested since the high-roller stuff really wasn’t his thing. He’d left that wealthy world when his dad had disowned him, and he hadn’t looked back. But even he had to admit this was a pretty sweet ride—especially when it meant he didn’t have to hide what was going on from anyone. Wyatt had assured him the flight crew was very discreet and wouldn’t appear unless called. They were used to Wyatt and Kelsey’s kinky ways.

So, Jace was fully enjoying the sight of Evan sitting across from him, blindfolded and pink-cheeked from the orgasm he’d just given her via the remote-controlled vibrator. Andre sat next to her, unlocking her cuffs as she came down from her high, his erection outlined against his jeans and his jaw tight. It was taking a lot of restraint for Andre not to pounce on Evan. Hell, it was taking every ounce of Jace’s self-control not to do the same. But they’d promised to feed her before they touched her again.

“I may not survive this trip if we keep going at this rate,” Evan said on a panted breath. She tilted her head back against the seat and it pushed her breasts against her thin blouse, her nipples prominent against the silk. Jace wanted to bite right through the material and suck her until she went over again.

“You can take your blindfold off now,” Jace said. “I’m going to call for lunch.”

He knew that even if Evan was sitting in that seat bare-ass naked, the flight attendant wouldn’t bat an eyelash when she served their food, but he wanted to give Evan a breather. They’d thrown a lot at her today. She’d earned some downtime.

He pressed the call button and requested their lunch.

Evan tugged the blindfold off and blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust, then her blue-eyed gaze found Jace’s and she smiled. “So the plan is to make me come until I’m so exhausted, I don’t have the energy to grill y’all with questions.”

Jace smirked. “Not necessarily. But that’s not a terrible plan.”

She shifted in her seat, and he caught the sexy scent of her arousal in the air. God, he could imagine how wet she must be under that skirt, the smooth latex of the toy covered with her juices, sliding in and over her flushed, swollen flesh . . .

Fuck. He adjusted the front of his pants, and Andre chuckled.

“What?” Jace snapped.

Andre nodded toward Jace’s obviously aroused state. “Nothing, I just feel your pain.”

Evan’s lips curled upward. “Now who are the masochists?”

“Watch it, bella,” Andre said. “Or we’ll forget that we promised you food first.”

She laughed, and warmth bled through Jace at the welcome sound. This is exactly why he’d wanted this trip, to get them away from it all, to hear her laugh come so easily.

“I’m not all that hungry. We could delay lunch and I could help you two out with your . . . unfortunate situation.”

“No way,” Jace said, even though the offer was more than tempting. “You haven’t eaten all day. I don’t want you passing out the minute we get there.”

“And where is there?”

He cocked an eyebrow at her and she made a frustrated noise.

The curtain at the front of the plane slid open and Alice, the flight attendant, strode into the cabin with stacked silver trays of food. The smell of steak and garlic drifted down the aisle and Jace’s stomach growled.

But as soon as he glanced at Evan to ask her if she wanted wine with her lunch, he saw the smile fade from her face and her skin went pale. “God, what is that smell?”

“Garlic, it’s— Baby, are you okay?” he asked and Andre turned his attention to Evan as well.

Alice stepped

closer and lifted the lid off the top dish. “Medium well steak with baked sweet potato and . . .”

Evan clapped her hand over her mouth and grabbed for her seatbelt. “Excuse me.”

“Ev—” Jace reached for her, but she was already on her feet and rushing toward the back.

Jace unhooked his seatbelt in a flash and jumped to his feet to follow her. He accidentally bumped Alice on the way, but he’d apologize later. When he reached the plane’s restroom, he found the door open and Evan on her knees, retching. Nothing was coming up, but she clung to toilet as she dry heaved.

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic