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His jaw was clenched, his pale eyes wild, and his dark hair clung to his temples, but he didn’t stop fucking me. “Come for me, Cela.”

He wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me in place, then moved his other hand between us. He rubbed my clit, the rough pads of his fingers firm over slippery flesh, and everything went white behind my eyes. I tilted my head back against the door and cried out as my orgasm rocketed through me. My back was banging against the door, the power of Foster’s thrust almost knocking me right through it, and I rode the tide of pleasure as he groaned long and loud and spilled inside me.

When we were both back on Earth, I sagged in the bindings and let my head lower to his shoulder. He whispered soft, soothing words in my ear as he held on to me and uncuffed my wrists with his free hand. My arms circled around his neck, half-numb and near useless. He carried me to the bed and lowered me to it, sliding out of me in the process. My eyes cracked open for a moment as he pulled off the condom and disposed of it. Then he was back at my side again. He brushed my damp hair off my cheek, a reverent expression on his face. “Lie down, angel. I’ll get you some water.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I curled around one of his pillows on top of his comforter, no longer giving a shit who he’d slept with in this bed. It was a bed, and I was exhausted. I wasn’t awake long enough for him to return with the water.


I rolled over in bed—groggy, achy, and filled with the desperate need to pee. My body bumped into warmth, and it took me a second to remember that I was in Foster’s bed—naked. He mumbled something in his slee

p but didn’t wake up. Trying not to jostle the bed too much, I shifted to the other side and slipped from beneath the covers. The air chilled my bare skin, but it was still pitch-dark in the room, so I had no shot at finding my discarded clothes. It was going to be challenging enough finding my way to the bathroom.

I put a tentative foot in front of the other, trying to make sure not to trip over anything or run into any furniture. His room was the mirror opposite of mine, so I knew where the door to the bathroom should be at least. With a little bit of hands-out-in-front-of-me groping, I eventually found my way there and shut the door behind me. I took care of the necessities, then went to the sink to wash my hands, rinse my face, and swish some mouthwash. No need to have Foster be greeted with the full heinous version of my morning self.

After double-checking to make sure the door was still shut, I turned around and peeked over my shoulder to get a view of my backside in the mirror. Despite the tenderness that still lingered, I didn’t see any obvious marks left from Foster’s flogger—though, if I was going to bruise, that’d probably take a little longer to show up. I frowned at the reflection, unsure whether I was happy or disappointed to see no evidence. I sighed. My brain was like a steaming pile of scrambled eggs over this whole thing.

After flipping off the light and letting my eyes adjust for a moment, I opened the door and headed back toward the general direction of the bed. But apparently I misjudged the distance, because before I knew it, my shin smacked the edge of the wood-framed bed. A harsh curse passed my lips as I grabbed for my throbbing leg. Foster rolled over.


“Yeah. Sorry,” I said as I braced a hand on the bed and rubbed my shin with the other.

“You okay?” he asked, his voice all slow and sleep-heavy. And sexy. Of course. The man could probably sneeze and I’d find something hot about it. What was wrong with me?

“I’m fine, just clumsy. I was trying not to wake you.”

“Mmm,” he said, pushing up on his elbow and reaching a hand out to me. “Get back in bed, angel. It’s safer in here.”

I took the offered hand and let him pull me back under the covers. “I’m not so sure about that.”

He pulled me against him, my back to his front, and chuckled softly against my neck. “I promise to be good.”

His body curled around mine, chasing off the chill I’d caught on the way back from the bathroom. I closed my eyes, absorbing just how good it felt to simply lie with him. “Sorry about waking you up.”

“No worries. I don’t sleep that soundly anyway. Doesn’t take much to wake me up.” He pulled the blanket a little higher over us. “Go back to sleep, angel. We still have some time before morning.”

I nestled my head deeper into the pillow and closed my eyes, but after a few minutes, I realized that the knock to my shin had woken me up fully, and I wasn’t going to drift off easily. I shifted a bit in his hold and could tell that he hadn’t fallen back asleep yet either.

“Is this position irritating your back?” he asked.

“No, it’s fine. Just awake.”

“I would offer to sing you asleep like you did for me, but I’m not that sadistic. No one should be subjected to my singing voice.”

I smiled. “That bad?”

“It’s only suitable for the shower and when I’m riding in the car alone.”

We both went quiet for a while, and I thought he was going back to sleep, but then his low voice broke the silence.

“I’m sorry that I got angry with you tonight, when I saw you with Pike. That really was uncalled for.”

I rubbed the corner of the pillowcase between my thumb and forefinger, staring into the darkness. “You said you’d had a bad day. What happened?”

He sighed and his hold on me loosened a bit. “I thought I was going to get some answers about a situation I’ve had questions about for a long time, and I hit another dead end.”

I chewed my lip, debating whether or not to push for more details. It really was none of my business. Just because we were curled up naked together didn’t mean I had some right to know about all his personal business, but I couldn’t help myself. “I’m sorry. What kind of situation?”

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic